Director, CSIR-NEERI, NAGPUR ( 2025-Present)
Director, CSIR-NEERI, NAGPUR ( 2021-2024)
Director, CSIR-NEERI, NAGPUR ( 2010-15)
Director, NEERI, NAGPUR ( 2003-08 )
Director, NEERI, NAGPUR ( 1999 - 03 )
Director, NEERI, Nagpur (1987 - 99)
Director, NEERI, Nagpur ( 1977 - 84 )
Director, CPHERI ( 1973 - 74 ) Director, NEERI ( 1974 - 76 )
Director, CPHERI, NAGPUR ( 1968 - 71)
Director, CPHERI, NAGPUR ( 1961 - 66 )
The first and Founder Director of CPHERI, NAGPUR ( 1958 - 61 )