Environmental Chemical Processes and System Design established as a part of the CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI). The focus of the ECPSD is to develop sustainable solutions for environmental problems through environmental modelling and cleaner technologies for pollutants removal and generation of renewable energy through catalysis and adsorption.
Core Responsibilities
- Sustainable technologies for mitigation of environmental problems
- Catalysis for renewable energy systems
- Industrial waste biomass valorization
- Sustainable analytical techniques for pollutants measurement
- Lakes and River rejuvenation
- Adequacy of pollution control measure in Refinery and Mining sector.
- Environmental Compliance Auditing and monitoring
- Environmental Systems Modelling: Air, Water
- Urban Flood Modelling and Management
- Remote Sensing and GIS for Environmental Applications
- Risk assessment in water distribution system.
Goals and Objectives
- Development of catalyst for renewable energy systems.
- Hydrogen storage and delivery using Liquid Organic Hydrides
- Cleaning of hydrogen gas by preferential oxidation of C
- Evaluation of the techno-economic feasibilities.
- Development of adsorbent from waste biomass for removal of pollutants
- Development of sustainable analytical technique for pollutants measurement
- Environmental Compliance auditing in mining sector
- Development and Application of Numerical Models for prediction of Environmental Quality
- Development and Application of Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) based Models and Analytical Tools for Natural Resources Management
- Application of Advanced Numerical and Graphics Tools (Mike, ERDAS IMAGINE, e-Cognition, XPSWMM, SPSS, MATLAB, ANN etc) for Environmental Systems Modelling and Management.
Notable Achievements
- Developed the Prototype for Hydrogen delivery@1.0 Nm3 /h. (90 g/h)
- System integrated with 1 kW Fuel Cell Stack
- 100 cycles of catalytic system usage
- LOH with 6.0 wt% and 45 kg/m3 hydrogen content
- Efficiency >90% and Pure H2 supply (99.95% or more)
- Cost effective hydrogen storage and delivery
- Developed centre for Godavari River Basin