CSIR-NEERI , Chennai Zonal Centre (CZC): Strength and Contributions
CSIR-NEERI , Chennai Zonal Centre (CZC): Strength and Contributions CSIR-NEERI, Chennai Zonal Laboratory, one of the five Zonal Laboratories of the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur, has been a trailblazer to the industries in the States of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Kerala and the Union Territory of Puducherry, ever since its inception in 1969. The Zonal Laboratory follows in the footsteps of the parent organization (NEERI, Nagpur) in its commitment towards the national and societal missions and CSIR thrust area activities. In its 56 years of existence, this unit has made significant strides in such thrust areas of R&D as environmental monitoring, environmental biotechnology, hazardous waste management, environmental systems design, environmental impact & risk assessment and environmental audit.
The broad objectives of the laboratory are:
- Conducting research and developmental studies in the area of environmental science and engineering.
- Rendering assistance to the industries of the region, local bodies, etc. in solving the problems of environmental pollution.
- Interacting and collaborating with academic and research institutions on environmental science and engineering for mutual benefit.
- Providing guidance for research scholars for their doctoral studies as the unit is recognized by the University of Madras and Anna University.
CSIR-NEERI, Chennai Zonal Laboratory has played an important role in solving some of the most critical problems of pollution in the States of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala and also union territories of Puducherry, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep. Projects of international status funded by such agencies as WHO, World Bank and the US Government undertaken by the Zonal Laboratory. The Zonal Laboratory designed wastewater treatment and disposal facilities for over 60 industries covering tanneries, pulp and paper, textiles, chemicals and fertilizers, food, sugar and distillery, etc. The Laboratory has carried out Environmental Impact Assessment studies for a number of proposed industrial projects and expansion schemes. The laboratory has been monitoring the ambient air quality of Chennai City since 1978 by installing air samplers in 3 zones of activity viz. Industrial, Commercial and Residential.
Significant Achievements made in R&D Areas:
- Air Quality Monitoring, Modeling and Simulation
- Environmental Monitoring
- Solid Waste Management
- Environmental Systems Design
- Environmental Impact & Risk Assessment
- Environmental Audit
- Biotechnology

CSIR-NEERI , Chennai (CZC) Contributions:
- Catering needs of Southern States of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, and UTs of Puducherry, A&N, Maldives islands (Projects: 250+)
- CZC is essential for regional access as environment is common issue for Industry, Society and Government Bodies
- Judiciary and regulatory agencies refer CSIR-NEERI, CZC for Environmental disputes and issues
- CSIR-NEERI, CZC with expertise and facilities in the field of Environmental Quality Monitoring, Modelling and Simulation, Wastewater studies, Solid Waste Management, Air Pollution Control, etc. for solving environmental issues in the Southern region
- Language representation in EACs and SAECs as per requirements
- Significant contribution along with co-ordination at CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur for the Environmental projects that requires real time data collection and surveillance
- CSIR-NEERI, CZC has been catering the needs of South India through environment related projects
- Visibility and brand value of CSIR-NEERI in Southern region
- Significant contribution to ECF and publications through projects in Southern region, India
Major Achievements
- National Clean Air Mission (Air Quality Monitoring)
- Recognized as expert center in the field of Environmental Science & Technology by TNPCB
- State level Expert Member in State level Expert Appraisal Committee for TN (SEAC) for Environmental Projects
- Development of On-road emission factors for Indian Automobiles
- Design and Development of sustainable rainwater harvesting structures for augmenting ground water recharge
- Facility Creation for Testing and Research and Development for Firecrackers - Raw materials, Compositions and Emissions (RACE) along with Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Fireworks Industries, and CSIR-NEERI, HQ.
- Development of low-cost electrode catalysts to realize indigenous fuel cell technology for cleaner energy
- Conducting Study of Vrushabhavathi River Valley in Bengaluru city for the purpose of Protection, Restoration and Rejuvenation.
- Waste water management for cluster of Tanneries in Tamil Nadu
- Waste water management for Distilleries in Tamil Nadu
- Development of pre-processing utility programs for Air Quality Modelling
- Development of statistical analysis and model performance evaluation software
- Mission Mode Project on Mass Housing
- Assessment of Dust Emissions from Stone Crushing Industry
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study for Proposed Petrochemical Complex along with Marine Jetty at Thiruchoupuram, Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu
- Environmental Monitoring of Bio-Medical Waste Management Facility, Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu
- Successfully developed scalable platinum based nano intermetallic catalysts for fuel cells under Hydrogen mission.
- Successfully addressed the issues with one of the Healthcare products of M/s. TTK Healthcare Ltd.
- Design of over 60 effluent treatment plants for industries in the states of Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Kerala and Karnataka
- Treatment and Disposal of Effluents from the Fertilizer Factory of Southern Petrochemical Industries Corporation (SPIC), Tuticorin
- Indo-US project on Analysis, Assessment and Treatment of Toxic Discharges from Phosphatic Fertilizer Industries
- Design of Sullage/Sewage Treatment Plant for Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi
- Hydrochemical Study of Groundwater in Pondicherry and Karaikal Regions - Assessment of Groundwater Quality
- Environmental Management Plan for Kancheepuram Town
Some of the recent noteworthy contributions of the centre to the cause of environmental protection are listed below:
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Environmental Audit at Harihar Alloys Private Limited, Forging Division, Trichy
- EIA Studies for the Proposed Expansion of Manali Refinery (I&III), Euro-IV and Resid Upgradation, Naphtha Hydrotreater & Continuous Catalytic Reforming And Propylene Projects, Manali Refinery Complex, Tamilnadu
- Environmental Impact & Risk Assessment (EIRA) for Proposed Refinery at Thiruchpuram Village, Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu
- EIRA for Puducherry Port EIA for CPCL, Manali
- EIA for Chemfab Alkalis, Pondicherry
- EIA for the salt’s fields of Padma Chemicals, Chunampet and Kanthadu
- Assessment of Dust Emissions from Stone Crushing Industry in Trisoolam Area
- EIA for the Common Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility at the SIPCOT Industrial Complex, Gummidipoondi
- Technoeconomic Feasibility and Environmental Impact Assessment of the proposed Sethu Samudram Ship Canal Project
- EIA for Hyundai Motors near Chennai
- Comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (CEIA) for Nuclear Power Plant, Kudankulam • EIA of Off-shore Facility of ONGC at Nellore, Andhra Pradesh
- EIA and Risk Assessment of Proposed Hazardous Waste Disposal Site at Siruseri, Chennai
- EIA for Proposed Development of Petrochemical Estate for Establishment of Petrochemical Project at Ennore
- CEIA Study of 8MMTPA Expansion of Cauvery Basin Refinery(South India) Nagapatinam, Tamil Nadu
Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
- EMP for Kanchipuram, Dept. of Environment, Govt. of Tamil Nadu
- EMP for Chennai Port
Environmental Monitoring
- Environmental Quality Assessment Study of M/s. CPCL, Manali Refinery Complex, Tamil Nadu
- Evaluation of Water Pollution and Toxic Gas Emission due to Industries in SIPCOT Cuddalore
- National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring at Chennai • Scientific study of Water and Sediment Quality in the West Coast Canal of NW-3, Kerala
- Assessment of VOCs at SIPCOT Industrial Complex, Cuddalore
- Impact of On-site Sanitation on Surface and Groundwater Sources in Chennai and Coimbatore
- Environmental Quality Assessment (EQA) for M/s.Sundram Fasteners, Krishnapuram
- EQA of Gem Stone Beach Resorts and Theme Park Site, Muttukadu
- Inventory of Evaporative Emission of Hydrocarbon from Various Sources in Chennai
Environmental Systems Design, Modelling and Optimization
- Design of Sewage Treatment Plant for Calicut Airport Kerala
- Basic Design of Sewage Treatment Plants for Tsunami Affected Areas in 13 Districts of Tamil Nadu
- Design of Sullage/Sewage Treatment Plant for Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi
- Design of Sewage Treatment Plant for Chennai Port
Water Quality Management
- Assessment and de-contamination Study of Soil and Groundwater of IOC outlet, M/s. AP Enterprises, Mogappair West Area, Chennai
- Performance Evaluation and Improvement of Hosur SIPCOT CWSS at Kelavarapalli Dam
- Hydrochemical study of Groundwater in Pondicherry and Karaikal Regions
- Study on the Surveillance of Drinking Water Quality in Chennai, Coimbatore and Bangalore
- Impact of on-site sanitation system on the quality of ground and surface water source Chennai city
- Development of Nano Silver-Carbon Core-In Shell and Other Materials for Water Disinfection
- Microbial Desalination Cell: A New Method for Water Purification
- Development of Nano-Material Based Biosensor for Monitoring The Water Borne Pathogens
Wastewater Management
- Wastewater Management in Tanneries in Tamil Nadu
- Wastewater Management in Tamil Nadu Distilleries
- Characterisation of Sewage Treatment Plant on Fluidized Aerobic Bioreactor of Thermax, Pune
- Performance Evaluation of the Existing Effluent Treatment Facility at M/s. Saint Gobain Abrasives Grindwell Norton Ltd., Bangalore
- Wastewater management in Chennai Port Trust
- Application of Established Fish Cell Lines Evaluating Toxicity of Industrial Effluents
- Wastewater Disposal Options for Port Blair
Environmental Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Virology
- Nucleic Acid Based Molecular Tools for Microbial Source Tracking
- Biotechnological Approach for Capture of CO2 for Generation of Pufa Using Algae-DBT, New Delhi
- Climate Change and Plant-Microbes’ Interaction Consequences for Phyto-Remediation of Crude Oil Contaminated Soils – Ramllingaswami Fellowship of DBT for 5 Years
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) based Detection of Environmental Mycobacteria to identify the Potentially Dangerous Zones and Sources - ICMR
- Metagenomic approach for Perchlorate Removal from Ground water and Soil - Inhouse Project
- Biotechnological Decolorization and Treatment of Textile Wastewater - Perspectives for the New Millennium - DBT
- Biodegradability and Toxicity of Formaldehyde - Methanol containing Paint/Resin Manufacturing Wastewater – DBT
- Technical Strengthening of PHED, MP for effective delivery of Total Sanitation Campaign and Swajaldhara – UNICEF, Bhopal
CSIR Supra Institutional Project-Capacity Building in Molecular Environmental Science
- Molecular Biology (Fluorescence in-situ hybridization and DNA array)Technology for Microbial Quality Monitoring of Water Molecular Analysis of Air Microbes from Aerosols
- Concentration & Detection of Human Enteric Viruses in Marine Environment and Sea Food through PCR and Gene Probe - DBT
- Performance Evaluation of Water Purification Unit (Pureit), HLLRC, Mumbai
- Decolourization and Biodegradation of Azodye industry wastewater-DBT
- Virological Quality of Drinking Water in Goa, PWD, Govt. of Goa
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
- Nano Scale Biosilica Extraction from Agro Waste Biomass and its Applications
- Assessment of Status of Municipal Solid Wastes Management in Metro Cities, State Capitals, Class - I cities and Class - II towns in Tamil Nadu and Kerala - CPCB
- Leachability and Engineering properties study for the Solid Waste encapsulated Concrete Blocks made by ITC, Thiruvottiyur
- Leachability Study for the Solid Waste of Chemfab Alkalis Limited, Kalapet, Pondicherry
- Solidification and Stabilisation of Electroplating Sludges
CSIR Networked Project
Environment Friendly Leather Processing (SMM-10) NEERI Chennai Zonal Laboratory has also conducted a number of seminars and workshops connected with current international problems. This centre is recognised for carrying out research work for both Master’s and Doctoral Degrees. So far 20 Research Scholars have obtained Doctoral degree and more than hundred students have done their project work for the award of M.Sc. / M.Tech / M.Phil Degree in Environmental Engineering / Science / Biotechnology.
Recent Projects
- Assessment of Dust Emissions from Stone Crushing Industries and Distance Criteria in the State of Tamil Nadu (CNP-2713), Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (40)
- Environmental Quality Assessment (EQA) of Beach Resort & Theme Park Site of M/s. Gem Stone Beach Resorts (P) Ltd. Chennai (CNP-2917), Gem Stone Beach Resorts (P) Ltd. Chennai (15)
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study for Proposed Petrochemical Complex along with Marine Jetty at Thiruchoupuram, Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu (CNP-2646), Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd., Kolkata (20)
- Environmental Monitoring of Bio-Medical Waste Management Facility, Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu (CNP-2913), RE Sustainability Solutions Pvt., Ltd., Hyderabad (20)
- Testing and Research and Development Facility for Firecrackers - Raw materials, Compositions and Emissions (RACE) (G-1-2587), CSIR, MoEF-CC, Industries (300)
- Development of PEMFC Components: Electrode development FBR 3.1 (HYDROGEN MISSION) (HCP-44), CSIR, New Delhi (86.88)
- Identification of Possible Attributes that Influence the Color Change from Transparent to Brown in Digestives, a TTK Healthcare Product (CNP-2817), TTK Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., Chennai (19.15)
- Rapid field assessment Study of Five cells of the Captive Secured Landfills Facility (CSLFs) in Vedanta Copper Smelter Plant, Tuticorin, TN, Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (2.36)
- Operationalizing of Testing and Research & Development for Firecrackers-RAw Materials, Compositions and Emission (RACE) Facility (OLP-61), CSIR-NEERI, Chennai (30)
- LOw-cost affordable Technology for water quality monitoring and water distribution management in Urban and rural Systems in India (G-4558), DST and European Union (50)
- Water based Epidemiological Monitoring for SARS-CoV-2 Virus and Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria (G-5383), CSIR, New Delhi (18)
- Providing technical services for soil remediation at mercury contaminated site, HUL Kodaikanal (CNP-2676), Hindustan Unilever Limited, Kodaikanal (130)
- Feasibility studies for recommendation of Zero Liquid Discharge system with respect to RO reject at Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd., Chennai (C-2908), Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd., Chennai (15)
- Feasibility Studies for Implementation of ZLD Concept for Higher Utilization of Treated Wastewater at Manali Petrochemicals Limited (Plant- I and Plant-II) & Tamil Nadu Petroproducts Limited (CNP-2900), Manali Petrochemicals Ltd., Chennai (53)
- Green solar photocatalytic process for treating of sulphide rich lime bath tannery wastewater and simultaneous production of green Hydrogen fuel (GAP-2885), DST Women Scientist (WOS-A)Scheme, New Delhi (34.6)
- CZC is currently working on cleaner energy generation from biomass. An international project between India and France (Indo-French; CEFIFRA) titled "Lignocellulosic Biomass Conversion and Utilization of Gas in Agricultural Engines" Project cost: ~ 40 Lakhs) has been awarded.
- CZC is currently working on treating persistent organic pollutants (PoPs) from water matrices. The effective removal of chlorpyrifos, one of the toxic pesticides used widely in India's agriculture, is focused on adsorption.
- CZC is presently carrying out a three-year mega project (4 Crores) in collaboration with CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur, for the project Review and update of the National Implementation Plan (NIP) on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) awarded by MoEFCC.
- CZC is awaiting a mega project from TNPCB, Chennai, to carry out a capacity study of Stone Crushing Industries in the various districts of Tamil Nadu. This study is a continuation of the project titled “Assessment of Dust Emissions from Stone Crushing Industries and Distance Criteria in the State of Tamil Nadu,” aimed at evaluating the maximum Stone Crushing Industries that can be accommodated in a cluster in various locations in Tamil Nadu.
NGT Activities
- Inspection Report of M/s. Royal Crushing & Quarry unit at Neduvathoor Village, Kottarakara Taluk, Kerala State
- Inspection Report of M/s. Chemfab Alkalis (P) Ltd, Kalapet, Puducherry
- The Honorable National Green Tribunal (Southern Zone) invited CZC to an Expert Committee for M/s. KGISL Technologies & Infrastructure P Ltd., Coimbatore and M/s. Hitech Diecast and Unicast Alloys Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore, for quantifying impacts from these developmental activities and their associated cost estimates.
- Kerala State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) approached CSIR-NEERI to conduct an Emission Inventory and Source Apportionment Study in the two major cities of Thiruvananthapuram and Kochi. A Technical Proposal has been submitted and is currently awaiting a work order.
NEERI Chennai Zonal laboratory has pioneered the Research & Development needs of the industries, Govt. Agencies and Departments for over five decades and has progressive plans for the future.
Its services for both advice and action are always available through consultancy and sponsored research work.
Our Major Clientele include:
- Department of Biotechnology (DBT), New Delhi
- Department of Science & Technology (DST), New Delhi
- Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), New Delhi
- Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi
- Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI), Kochi
- Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO), New Delhi
- Hyundai Motors India Limited, Sriperumbudur
- Indian Tobacco Company Ltd (ITC)
- Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation
- Thermax, Pune
- Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Pondicherry
- Directorate of Environment (DoE), Govt. of Tamil Nadu
- Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd (CPCL)
- The Indo-Burma Petroleum Corporation Limited (IBP)
- Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)
- Chennai Port Trust (ChPT)
- Tuticorin Port Trust (VOCPT)
- Chennai Metro Water Supply & Sewerage Board (CMWSSB)
- Tamil Nadu Water Supply & Drainage Board (TWAD)
- Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB)
- Jayamkondam Lignite Power Corporation
- All India Skin & Hide Tanners & Merchants Association (AISHTMA), Chennai
- Southern Petrochemical Industries Corporation Ltd (SPIC), Tuticorin
- Coffee Research Institute, Chickmagalur
- Mangalore Chemicals & Fertilizers, Mangalore
- Karnataka State Pollution Control Board
- Sundram Fasteners, Madurai & Pondicherry
- Gem Stone Beach Resorts (P) Ltd, Chennai
- Sterlite Industries, Tuticorin
- Tamil Nadu Distillers Association (TNDA), Chennai
- Madura Coats Ltd., Ambasamudram
- Vekavathi Chemicals, Madurai
- Hindustan Unilever Ltd., Mumbai
- Chemfab Alkalis Ltd., Pondicherry
- Andaman & Nicobar Administration, Port Blair
- Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority
- M/s. Saint Gobain, Bangaloru
- Airports Authority of India (AAI), Chennai
- Puducherry Port Department, Puducherry
- State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamilnadu Ltd (SIPCOT), Cuddalore
- Nagarjuna Oil Corporation Limited (NOCL), Chennai
- M/s. Harihar Alloys Private Limited, Trichy
- Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL), Chennai
- World Health Organization (WHO), New Delhi
- Revenue Administration, Disaster Management & Mitigation Department, Chennai
- National Shipping Corporation of India
- Center for High Technology, New Delhi
For further details contact:
The Scientist & Head, NEERI Chennai Zonal Laboratory
CSIR Madras Complex, Taramani, CHENNAI - 600 113
Telephone: +91-2254 4665, Fax: +91-2254 1964
Email: sicneeri[at]csircmc[dot]res[dot]in , r_sivacoumar[at]neeri[dot]res[dot]in Web Page: www.neeri.res.in, www.csirmadrascomplex.gov.in