The institute is involved in the development of advanced functional materials for energy, environment and resource conservation. The R & D activities are being carried out in the area of development of structural analogues related to molecular sieves and zeolites, surface functionalized zeolite, perovskite based catalytic materials, multifunctional metals/metal oxide materials, carbon and photocatalytic materials. The ongoing work stresses on the importance of understanding the recent advances in materials synthesis and characterization, and the applications of materials for environmental pollution control and energy related applications. The R & D activities related to new materials such as flyash based zeolites , plasmonic materials , mixed oxides , alumina composites , surface modified MCM-41 materials, zeolite based photocatalytic materials, substituted and un-substituted perovskite materials, visible-light-active TiO2 based photocatalysts, thermally stable perovskite type ruthenates, waste materials based carbon, carbon molecular sieves and synthesis of related microporus materials with emphasis on their selectivity using new synthesis strategies are in progress. Several environmental and energy technologies have emerged with substantial benefits from new materials which includes reduction in waste and improved energy efficiency, environmentally benign composite structures, waste remediation and energy conservation. These materials are being used for their potential environmental applications in the areas of solar energy utilisation (SUN )for sustainable development , CO2 capture and valorization, indoor air quality, diesel exhaust emission control, catalytic methane combustion, artificial photosynthesis and water and waste-water treatment with specific reference to VOCs, arsenic and phenolic.
- Intermittent solar energy converted into a storable and transportable, compact solid fuel
- Solar-made zinc is an attractive renewable energy carrier.
- Hydrogen production through photocatalysed -thermochemical cycles bypasses the H2/O2 separation problem of water dissociation(hydrogen and oxygen produced at different steps)
Material Development |
- Intermittent solar energy converted into a storable and transportable, compact solid fuel
- Solar-made zinc is an attractive renewable energy carrier.
- Hydrogen production through photocatalysed -thermochemical cycles bypasses the H2/O2 separation problem of water dissociation ( hydrogen and oxygen produced at different steps )

Photothermal with parabolic dish
Catalysed Solar Thermal Heating |

- Plasmonic property of CNP in water, localize the solar energy where evaporation occurs.
- Minimizes heat losses which leads to enhancement in solar thermal efficiency at low optical concentration in open air while generating the steam.
Solar Distillation |
- It is a very simple and one cycle process.
- Evaporation to remove dirt and impurities.
- Distillation to collect clean and pure water.
