Study on compliance of effluent discharged from ash pond and possibility of meeting zero discharge norms at Bakreswar thermal power plant (O.A. No. 24/2014/EZ (Subhas Datta Vs. State of West Bengal &Ors.))
- Compliance ofeffluent discharged from ash pond
- Assessment of possibility of meeting zero discharge norms at Bakreswar thermal power plant
Charactarisation and estimation of VOC Levels in the Factory Production area of options Berger Deckers Coatings Pvt. Ltd and Recommendation of Controls
- Quantification and characterization of existing Volatile organic compounds in the indoor-air of factory production area of Berger Beckers Coatings Pvt. Ltd.
- Recommendation of suitable control option for reduction of Volatile organic compounds levels in the indoor-air of factory production area of Berger Beckers Coatings Pvt. Ltd.
Development of a Multi-pollutant removing, Water Distillation and Purification System using Solar Energy
Designing and development of multipollutant removing solar distillation unit
Development of Sustainable Technologies to Investigate, Restore and Protect the Urban Water Environment
Passive sampling and analysis of synthetic pyrethroids in surface water bodies
Assessment of outdoor and indoor air quality status at Salarjung Museum, Hyderabad
Outdoor air quality and IAQ studies were carried out, during three seasons (Winter, Summer and Post-monsoon) seasons, to know the present air quality status in and around the galleries of SJM and its effect on objects of global art collection. Possible preventive measures are recommended in the report based on the indoor and outdoor air quality data for selected parameters to avoid further deterioration.
Preparation and updation of comprehensive Disaster/ Crisis Management Plan at Visakhapatnam Port
The present study has been carried out through hazard identification, maximum credible accident analysis including consequence analysis for all significant activity zones at the port premises and delineated/ updated site specific disaster/ crisis management plan along with onsite emergency preparedness/ response plan suitable for respective zones and also the requirements of human resources, management system for timely response in emergencies due to anthropogenic as well as natural hazards. This study report is prepared in two volumes; Volume-I : Hazard Assessment Study and Volume-II: Crisis / Disaster Management Plan With a view to assess the potential environmental impacts due to the proposed project, M/s APGDC retained NEERI to undertake Environmental lmpact and Risk Assessment study as a prerequisite to prepare necessary Environmental Management Plan and Approach to Disaster Management Plan.
Integrated EIA of Proposed open cast Mining at Ghogha-Surka, Khadsaliya-II and Khadsaliaya-I Lignite mines, Bhavnagar District, Gujarat
NEERI carried out the study related to identification, prediction and evaluation of significant impacts and delineation of pragmatic Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to mitigate the potential adverse impacts from proposed open cast lignite mining at Ghogha-Surka, Khadsaliya-II and Khadsaliaya-I.
EIA for proposed Zircaloy and Pressurized Heavy water Reactor (PHWR) fuel Fabrication Facilities and Township Development at Kota, Rajasthan
In order to asses the potential environmental impacts due to proposed NFC-Kota project and associated township at Rawatbhata, NFC-Hyderabad engaged NEERI to conduct Environmental Impact & Risk Assessment studies including impacts due to radioactive radiation leading to preparation Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and an approach to Disaster Management Plan (DMP) including risk mitigation for proposed developmental activities.
Rapid Assessment of Land Treatment System at Toorupu Lanka, A.P. Paper Mill, Rajahmundry
Carried out the studies corresponding to characterization of treated wastewater, which is being disposed through shoal lagoons (land treatment) in Godavari river and assessment of river water quality within study area covering upstream, in close vicinity to lagoons and in downstream stretch The recommendations have been delineated based on the field observations during study period for betterment of the ongoing wastewater management system.
Tourist Impact Assessment and Carrying Capacity Study for Environmental Protection of World Heritage Site, Taj Mahal Area
The concept of carrying capacity addresses the question of how many people can be permitted into Taj Mahal without risk of degrading the site . There is a need to remodel the tourist flow in as well as outside through various internentions as to enhance physical carrying capacity.
Pre-Closure Studies of Hapania Dumpsite for Development of its Closure Plan
No information is available
Verification of Annual Mine Closure Activities of Open Cast Lignite Mine of M/s BLMCL at Barmer district of Rajasthan
No information is available
Surveillance of Microbial quality of drinking water supply of Delhi Jal Board
No information is available
Preparation of Environmental Management Monitoring Plan EMMP) and Green Plan for Mumbai Port
To check the Mumbai Ports monitoring data compliance with the standards, To study the trend analysis of pollutants in spatial and temporal scales, To identify possible sources of pollution, Upgrading MbPT's existing EMP as mentioned above and preparation of EMMP and green plan for MPT
Water quality monitoring of Ganga river from Gomukh to Hoogley
No information is available
Studies on Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste in Hilly Areas
No information is available
Development of real time wireless embedded multi-sensor system for monitoring and analyzing water quality parameters
No information is available
Environmental Assessment of ARCI Complex as per TSPCB Consent Order
M/s. ARCI retained CSIR-NEERI for conducting an environmental assessment study with reference to the consent order given by TSPCB. CSIR-NEERI Hyderabad zonal centre conducted an environmental assessment study for the assessment of impacts due to the identified sources on various environmental components like air, noise and water/wastewater within the ARCI campus. Based on the existing environmental data and the information given by the ARCI, evaluated and predicted environmental impacts and prepared environmental management plan.
Assessment of water quality & sediment analysis to study the special property of river Ganga.
Ganges, for centuries has been worshipped for its purity and healing powers. E. Hanbury Hankin, Felix D’Herelle and other scientists had done path-breaking research on Ganges river water, which lead to discovery of Bacteriophages. The National Mission for Clean Ganga awarded a special project to CSIR-NEERI to investigate deeper into the special properties of river Ganges. Researchers at CSIR-NEERI conducted a detailed and comprehensive study on Ganges to understand its special properties. The study has some unique featiures like the first study covering the entire span of river from Gomukh to Gangasagar; Bacteriophages against major water borne pathogenic bacterial groups of Escherichia, Enterobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio being investigated in the study; Comparative study with control rivers Yamuna and Narmada to elucidate what’s special with Ganges. A massive sampling drive and study was conducted in pre and post monsoon seasons. The study on bacteriophages was done alongside physico-chemical properties, oxygen demand parameters, metal contents, flora, medicinal property etc of the Ganges river ecosystem by CSIR-NEERI and their association with special properties.
Host isolation and identification from all water and sediment samples of Ganga. Isolation and phage diversity study of bacteriophages in Ganga River Comparative study of Ganga River with Yamuna and Narmada River for phages diversity
Environmental audit of M/s. Harihar alloys private limited, forging division, Trichy
No information is available
Knowledge Gateway and Open Source Private Cloud Infrastructure” KNOWGATE
- The ultimate aim of KRC is to supply researchers with all the materials that they need in order to do research, become more educated and empowered.
- One of the fundamental tools that we use in order to work toward that ultimate aim is the union catalogue as an indispensable element of any effective system of resource-sharing.
- Union catalogues have been so successful and ubiquitous that it is easy to overlook the contributions to library services they have made and are continuing to make.
- It is a technological marvel that anyone, anywhere in the world with access to a computer and the Web can check on the vast holdings of the large libraries and, working through linked inter-library loan systems, obtain items that may not be available in their own KRC.
- To enhance the capacity and capability of CSIR computing power through CSIR private cloud infrastructure and Open Source Software Technology Solution Cell (OSSTSC).
- To provide CSIR KRCs an Integrated Library Management Solution using the open source software.
- To share information resources among CSIR laboratories by creating CSIR Distributed Library: catalogue sharing, inter library loans, & referral service for document supply service.
- To analyse CSIR research, technology and related data using multidimensional analysis
Study of environmental impact assessment of Bodhjung Nagar industrial growth centre
In order to assess the likely impacts arising due to setting up and operation of Bodhjungnagar Industrial Estate, TSPCB retained NEERI, KZL to undertake Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies based on Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment Study report by incorporating base line data for three seasons, identification, prediction and evaluation of impacts due to development of these industrial estates and delineation of environmental management plan to mitigate the adverse impacts
Solar disinfection systems for potable water.
- CSIR-NEERI's patented materials including engineered Titania, plasmonic CNP in the form of paints and fabric to be used for demonstration in different prototypes and device (as given in objective b)
- To fabricate and demonstrate following prototypes for disinfection of drinking water in rural households and cities:
- Solar disinfection (SODIS) container (Jar/pouch) -personal use for drinking water
- Solar still - community level for drinking water
- Solar CPC - community level for drinking water
- Solar pasteuriser - community level for drinking water
- To study cyclic stability, durability and safety of as inputs for LCA studies (to be outsourced)
- To select the rural villages/hotspots in cites/slum dwellers with incidences of diarrhea for the deployment of SDS.
- To study the user perception and standardize the SDS for optimized performance
- To evaluate the field performance of SDS post-intervention.
- To work out the strategy for commercialization of different SDS including SODIS Jar, Solar CPC, Solar still and Solar pasteuriser in rural households/hotspots in cities/slum dwellers and use these demonstration sites for promoting dissemination of technology for societal benefits
EIA fo Proposed 2 MTPA Baradwar Dolomite Mine in Dist. Janjir-Champa, Chhatisgarh
No information is available
Water and Environmental Sanitation Interventions in Madhya Pradesh
No information is available
Design guidelines/specification for air purification system for mass housing project CSIR Mass Housing project
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Tourist Impact Assessment and Carrying Capacity Study for Environmental Protection of World Heritage Site, Ajanta Caves, Aurangabad
The main objective of the study is to assess environmental impact arising out of the tourist activity vis-à-vis environmental conditions inside the caves and suggest appropriate short term and long term measures to eliminate/ minimizethe resulting adverse impacts.
Studies on Quantification and Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste at Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Mumbai Region
No information is available
Monitoring and Assessment of High Rate Transpiration System for Treatment and Disposal of Treated Wastewater Generated at M/s Orient Paper Mills, Amlai, Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh
To study the impact of coloured effluent on soil quality in and around the industrial area. To study the effect of coloured effluent irrigation on plant growth. To study the impact of coloured effluent on ground water quality of shallow open wells and deep bore wells and/or river water surrounding the industrial locations. Appropriate recommendations and suggestions for soil-plant-wastewater management.
"Effects of UV radiations generated by VUV/UV excimer source on bacterial disinfection in water treatment. CSIR-NEERI and CSIR-CEERI PSC0101 "
A structurally simple dielectric barrier discharge based mercury-free plasma UV-light source has been developed for efficient water disinfection. The source comprises of a dielectric barrier discharge arrangement between two co-axial quartz tubes with an optimized gas gap. The outer electrode is an aluminium baked foil tape arranged in a helical form with optimized pitch, while the inner electrode is a hollow aluminium metallic rod, hermetically sealed. Strong bands peaking at wavelengths 172 nm and 253 nm, along with a weak band peaking at wavelength 265 nm have been simultaneously observed due to plasma radiation from the admixture of xenon and iodine gases. The developed UV source has been used for bacterial deactivation studies using an experimental setup that is an equivalent of the conventional house-hold water purifier system. Deactivation studies for five types of bacteria, i.e., E. coli, Shigella boydii, Vibrio, Coliforms and Fecal coliform have been demonstrated with 4 log reductions in less than ten seconds
Synthesis of nanoparticle impregnated on apple pomace(waste) for removal of heavy metals from wastewater
No information is available
Surveillance of treated water quality from the treatment plants & ground water in Delhi
No information is available
Solid Waste Characterization for Development of Regional Landfill Facilities for MSW Management in MMR
No information is available
Preparation of RM for monitoring of p,p-DDT and p,pDDE in drinking water
No information is available
Evaluation of EMRION Nano Technology based water Treatment Plant installed at lake View Guest House, Hyderabad, Telangana
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (RWS&S) Department, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh has retained CSIR-NEERI Hyderabad Zonal Laboratory, Hyderabad to undertake the evaluation of EMRION Nano Technology solution plant of M/s Eesavyasa Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad and to provide recommendations on the technology.Performance evaluation of EMRION Nano Technology Solution based De-fluoridation and TDS reduction plant installed at Lake View Guest house was carried out with respect to water quality under prevailing operating conditions.
National ambient air quality monitoring.
No information is available
Inventory of Emissions of Air, and water from various industrial sources in Tripura
The scope of study comprises collection of present environmental quality data with respect to major environmental components viz. air , water, noise, land , biological and socio-economic components along with the parameters of human interest, prediction and evaluation of significant environmental and preparation of detailed environmental management plan (EMP).
Plasmonic solar heat and steam generators.
Synthesis of low cost supported and unsupported plasmonic materials based on metal nanoparticles and carbon nanoparticles. Testing efficacy of the plasmonic materials for in-situ heating of water and oil in sunlight and other sources of illumination Fabrication of devices and prototypes for following applications :
- Development of solar steam generator for domestic and industrial applications
- Development of systems for oil heating for industrial and environmental applications
EIRA for the Proposed Barrage Across River Narmada near Bhadbhut, Dist. Bharuch
No information is available
Artificial Recharge to Ground Water by Treated Waste Water through Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) System
No information is available
Study for Characterization of flue gas from point source and abatement measures for Sulphur - dioxide at 1210MW and 1500MW units of M/s. Khaperkheda Thermal Power Station (KKTPS), Nagpur
No information is available
Environmental Assessment Study Before and After the Proposed Urban Conservation and Tourism Development Project of Area around the World Heritage Site, Taj Mahal, Agra
The research goal was to generate a design brief through a participatory process between the researchers and Taj Gunj residents, traders (and their associations), government agencies (U.P. Tourism, Agra Development Authority and ASI). The research methodology included holding workshops with the stakeholders to understand their aspirations and create a dialogue towards a sustainable plan. This research aims to understand the social, cultural and physical workings of Taj Ganj and to frame recommendations towards planning for an improved visitor experience that benefits local community and protects the living cultural heritage of Taj Ganj
Engineering Feasibility of Municipal Solid Waste Biogas Recovery and Appropriateness of its Use with CNG or LPG
No information is available
Development of bamboo diversity on degraded land for sustainability in Rural Areas using Eco-rejuvenation technology
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Application of bacteriophage for treating multidrug resistant (MDR) Pseudomonas aeruginosa (GAP-01-2066)
"The main goal of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of phage therapy against one of the most common multidrug-resistant (MDR) agents of skin infections, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The bacteriophage therapy is an effective antimicrobial approach with potentially important applications in medicine and biotechnology which can be seen as an additional string in the bow. Emerging drug resistant bacteria in aquaculture industry due to unrestricted use of antibiotics warrants more sustainable and environmental friendly strategies for controlling fish infections.The isolated bacteria from fish lesions was characterised based on isolation on selective and differential medium like Pseudomonas agar, gram staining, biochemical tests and 16SrRNA sequencing. The metallo-beta-lactamase (MBL) producing bacterial isolate was evaluated using Imipenem - Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) disk method. The specific bacteriophage was isolated and concentrated using coal bed developed in our lab at CSIR-NEERI. The isolated and enriched bacteriophage was characterised by nucleotide sequencing and electron microscopy. The phage therapy was applied for treating ulcerative lesion in fish. RESULTS:The pathogenic bacterium responsible for causing ulcerative lesions in catfish species (Clarias gariepinus) was identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. One out of twenty P. aeruginosa isolate showing multi drug resistance (MDR) was incidentally found to be MBL producing as determined by Imipenem-EDTA disk method. The phage therapy effectively cured the ulcerative lesions of the infected fish in 8-10 days of treatment, with a sevenfold reduction of the lesion with untreated infection control. "
Development of low cost catalyst for 2 wheelers to meet Bharat Stage-III norms
No information is available
Monitoring of PM2.5 and other notified air pollutants as per revised NAAQS 19-23 January 2015
No information is available
Development of Materials for Conversion of Methane/Syngas to Methanol MS2M and Improved of Biomass Gas DST - BURD
No information is available
Acoustic induced vibration studies over the monuments within a radius of 10 kms for proposed Godhna Thermal Power Station 2X800MW in Godhna, Salkhan and Kukda villages, Janjgir-Champa District (CG)
No information is available
Studies for the Development of Environmentally Sound Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Processing Strategies with Reference to Existing MSW Processing Sites of Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC)
No information is available
Performance Evaluation of Effluent Treatment Plant at International Paper - Andhra Pradesh Paper Mill, Rajahmundry
Carried out the Assessment of the performance evaluation of existing Effluent Treatment Plant of IP-APPM at Rajahmundry. Effluent samples from various locations of ETP and Godavari River water samples were collected and analyzed for detailed physico-chemical parameters. Based on the pollution load and design specifications provided by IP-APPM, all the units of ETP found adequate to handle and treat the effluent generated to meet discharge standards. Based on the study report, recommendations were delineated to achieve the designed performance of ETP.
Biotechnological approach for capture of CO2 for generation of PUFA using algae
No information is available
Development of Baseline Data with respect to Air, Water, Soil Quality as well as Noise upto Block level in four Districts of the State of Tripura.
"Tripura, one of the North Eastern States situated in the North- Eastern Region of India lies approximately between latitude 22o 56' and 24o 32' N and longitude 9110' and 9221' E. The study was undertaken assess environmental quality status at block level in four districts of Tripura with baseline data generation in respect of ambient air, water, soil quality as well as noise by collection of samples for the various parameters. The details of work under individual components of environment were as follows: Air Environment: Collection of meteorological data like wind speed, wind direction, relative humility, rainfall, ambient temperature during ambient air quality survey period. Designing ambient air quality monitoring network. Assessment of prevailing ambient air quality status by measuring PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NO2, NH3, CO, Ozone, Benzene, Benzo-α-Pyrene, Arsenic, Nickel and Lead as per CPCB regulations. Water Environment: Assessment of existing status of water quality with respect to physico-chemical, biological and bacteriological characteristics including surface and ground water resources from each block of the entire state. Land Environment: Studies on soil characteristics, land use, cropping patterns and vegetation in the study area. Collection and assessment of representative soil samples from each block of the Tripura state. Noise Environment: Establishing existing status of noise levels in residential, commercial, industrial areas and silence zones from each block of the state."
Development of materials for conversion of methane to methanol MS2M and improved combustion of biomass gass
Development of adsorbents for enrichment of methane by selective removal of CO2. Development of catalysts for combustion of biomass gas. Development of supported catalysts and their evaluations on gasifier prototypes. Development of photocatalysts and biocatalysts for methane /syngas based methanol
- Photocatalytic conversion of methane to methanol
- Methane mono-oxygenase based enzymatic conversion of methane to methanol
- Hybrid system for solar light induced MMO based conversion of methane to methanol
- Development of catalysts for tri-reforming of methane and (photo induced) chemical looping reforming of methane, water and CO2 (only catalyst development by NEERI including Ni based hydrotalcites,bifunctional Ni/Ce-ZrO2 catalysts.
Preparation of Water Security Plan for Villages in Rajanandgaon district in Chhattisgarh state
No information is available
EIA and Risk Assessment for Mallavaram - Bhopal - Bhilwara - Vijaipur Natural Gas Pipeline Project
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National Clean Air Mission
Assessment and Management of Air Pollution and Health problems in sources, pathways and receptors. Assessment of Indoor air pollution and Green house gases.
Quantification and Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste for Aizwal City
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Functional Metagenomics of Camel Rumen Microbiome For Novel Key Glycoside Hydrolases (Gh) to Benefit Animal Nutrition and Biofuels
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Development of an emission inventory for the city of Chandrapur as part of a comprehensive city development plan
No information is available
Monitoring of PM2.5 and other notified air pollutants as per revised NAAQS 16-20 November 2015
No information is available
Minimization of the amount of platinum for automobile exhaust treatments through intermetallics based catalyst, Fast Track
No information is available
Analysis of active ingredients in BHC, Lindane, Methyl Parathion and Dimethoate pesticides
Pesticide ingrediant determination
Developing Preventive Measures to Minimize Public Health Hazards
No information is available
Performance Evaluation and Upgradation of Existing ETP at Vuyyuru Distillary units of KCP Sugar and Industries Corportion Ltd., Vuyyuru Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh
No information is available
Characterization of bacteriophage encoded lytic enzyme.
Use of bacteriophages as biocontrol agents is a promising tool for controlling pathogenic bacteria including antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Not only bacteriophages but also endolysins, the peptidoglycan hydrolyzing enzymes encoded by bacteriophages, have high potential for applications as biocontrol agents against food-borne pathogens. In this study, phage encoaded product viz. endolysin and holin were suucesfully purified and characterised . These phage encoaded product can be considered a favourable candidate for a new antimicrobial agent to control bacterial load.
Microbial desalination cell: a new method for water desalination
No information is available
Designing and Development of an Indoor Portable Air Purifier for odor, particulate and pesticide removal
- To design and develop an Air Purifier for controlling odor in enclosed indoor environment in Industries
- To integrate particulate purifying attributes along with odor in the design for controlling particulate in confined indoor environment in industries and elsewhere
- To customize the air purifier for pesticide residue removal from indoor air
- Finally, to provide a low cost, energy efficient and portable air purifier
Defluoridation of process wastewaters
The main objective of this project is to evaluate the materials developed at CSIR-NEERI for selective removal of fluoride from process wastewater generated from BARC process with a view to explore the possibility of developing a practically feasible process for defluoridation of wastewater. The materials will be systematically evaluated by studying their fluoride uptake properties for simulated wastewater following batch adsorption as well as column studies. The select materials will be subsequently evaluated at laboratory scale at BARC using the actual process effluent. The proposed work was carried out in following two Phases: Phase I: In the Phase-I, synthesis of materials and study of batch adsorption properties will be carried out at CSIR-NEERI laboratory using simulated wastewater as per the composition suggested by BARC. These studies will be carried out with up to material loading of 25 g for batch and column studies as per the work plan given in the following section. Phase II: Based on the results of Phase-I project; the select potential materials will be studied for bench scale and further scale up at BARC, using the actual wastewater. These studies will be targeted on evaluating the techno-economic feasibility of defluoridation process at pilot as well as full scale.
Services for testing efficiency of Bishan Ngari Household Water Purification Product
No information is available
Study on Development and Application of GAINS-City Model for Indian Cities, Technology Information Forecasting & Assessment Council TIFAC
- Basic data collection and model framework design.
- Development of city emission model based on GAINS model.
- Update of emission factors based on a comprehensive review of local measurements.
- Estimation of air pollutants and GHG emissions under different scenarios for the city.
- Evaluate the air quality benefit for different scenarios.
- Training of students who will lead subsequent analysis in individual cities with present focus on one city.
- Final report summarizing methods, results and future work.
Studies on Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste in Hilly Regions
No information is available
Studies on antimicrobial and anti-biofilm activities of medicinal plant extracts obtained from North Eastern India against pathogenic bacteria isolated from pigs, cattle and poultry of NER India; and cattle, poultry and ducks of West Bengal
To screen the traditionally used medicinal plants from North East India for microbial biofilm inhibition and quorum sensing inhibition (model organism: Pseudomonas aeruginosa)
Novel application of Bacteriophage for controlling foaming and bulking in wastewater treatment plant (GAP-2128)
This addendum to "Novel application of bacteriophage for controlling foaming in wastewater treatment plant- an eco-friendly approach " includes characteristics of the phages NOC1, NOC2 and NOC3 not discussed in the previous paper. The phage adsorption and host interaction properties, their sensitivity to pH and temperature are inferred. NOC2 is seen to be more temperature resistant while others are not. All the phages show pH sensitivity. There is a variance observed in the behavior of these phages. Also, applicability of the phage based system to large scale reactors is studied and discussed here.
Comprehensive Environmental impact Assessment for Mumbai Sewage Disposal Project Phase - II Priorty work
No information is available
Assessment of waste water quality at Niti Aayog, Delhi
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Clean Water Sustainable Options.
No information is available
Assessment of Groundwater Quality around the Landfill Sites
No information is available
Design and development of an informative and interactive portal/framework for monitoring and updation of Bio energy-Waste to wealth theme activity
No information is available
Fresh Assessment of Land treatment system at Toorupu Lanka
Assessment of Land treatment system
Environmental quality assessment(EQA)study of M/s. CPCL, Manali refinery complex, Tamil Nadu
No information is available
Development of novel low smoke mosquito coil and coil smoke control dispenser for betterment of Indoor Environment and health
- To develop mosquito coil with low smoke emissions
- To look into the possibility of designing a mosquito coil smoke dispenser which may deliver coil smoke after controlling fine particulate matter (PM1, PM2.5, PM5 etc.)
Minimizations of the Amount of Platinum for Automobile Exhaust Treatments through Intermetallics-based Catalysts
No information is available
Ecological Mapping of Two Reservoirs Created due to Dasve Bandhara and Warasgaon Reservoir near Pune
No information is available
Design and Development of Sustainable Remediation Process for Mitigation of Fluoride Contamination in Groundwater and Field Application for Domestic Use
No information is available
Macro Level EIA Study for Cluster of Iron OreMines in the State of Goa
To carry out environmental impact assessment study with a view of having macro level impacts of mining in Goa on flora, fauna, the local inhabitant, air, water, noise pollution and overall biological environment.
Development of Modeling Tools for LFG Generation from MSW Landfills in India
No information is available
Demonstration of NEERDHUR Improved Cookstove, Adoption, IEC
No information is available
Design of cost effective photobioreactor for mass production of microalgae: CFD modeling and experimentation.
- CFD optimization of photobioreactor for CO2 absorption
- Mixotrophic cultivation of Chlorella sorokiniana, Scenedesmus obliquus, and Chlorella pyrenoidosa on various substrates such as glucose and acetate etc
- Mixotrophic cultivation of microalgae species to yield high quality biodiesel
Study of groundwater aquifer system at Jaganath Puri and its protection from contamination
No information is available
Low Cost and shape-tailored nano catalysts for volatile organic compounds emission control DST - Nano-mission.
No information is available
Forest Fire-wood saving and Indoor Air Emission Control through demonstration of NEERDHUR Improved Cookstove
No information is available
Development of Database on Municipal Solid Waste Management Practices and Green House Gas Emission
No information is available
R&D studies for sustainable process performance and optimization of pilot plant composting facility 4T Capacity built for rapid composting of house hold organic wastes of NEERI residential colony
No information is available
Assessment of dust emissions from stone crushing industry in Trisoolam area
No information is available
Indoor Air Pollution Control in Rural Areas
Demonstration of NEERIDHUR Improved Cookstove, Adoption, IEC (Information, Education, communication) Studies and its impact assessment for Household Air Quality and Respiratory Health
Monitoring of Emerging Contaminants in River Ganga under Ganga Mission.
No information is available
Short term and long term suggestions of the potability of water at Gwalior
No information is available
EIA studies for Ghogha-Surka, Khadsaliya-I and Khadsaliya-II open cast Lignite Mines in Bhavnagar district, Gujarat.
EIA studies for Ghogha-Surka, Khadsaliya-I and Khadsaliya-II open cast Lignite Mines
Environmental Impact Assessment and Risk Assessment for Bhatinda - Jammu Natural Gas Pipeline Project
No information is available
Monitoring of SO2 in Furnace Stadk I and II at M/s. Jubilant LifeSciences Ltd., Nira-Nimbut, Pune, Maharashtra
To monitor Air Pollution as well as Water Pollution levels on account of manufacturing activities of Jubilant LifeSciences Ltd., located at Nimbut-Nira, Maharashtra.
Critical Reviews on Copper and Env. Health in India
No information is available
Development of GIS- Based Modelling Tool for non-point source Pollution Assessment in a watershed
A non-point souce pollution asseement modelling tool was developed for agricultural watershed.
Demonstration of NEERDHUR Improved Cookstove, Adoption, IEC (Information, Education, Communication) Studies and its Impact Assessment on Household Air Quality and respiratory Health.
No information is available
Comprehensive Scientific & Technical Services for Establishment of MSW Processing Facility at Village Bainguinim, Goa
No information is available
Software tool/framework for Water Quality Analysis of Indian Rivers + Interactive dedicated Webpage development for Clean Water proposal
No information is available
Environmental Impact Assessment of proposed FSRU based LNG Terminal at Kakinada Deep water port, Kakinada, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh
No information is available
Design of sewage treatment plants for tsunami affected areas in 13 districts of Tamil Nadu
No information is available
Solar Energy Utilization SUN for sustainable development
No information is available
Analysis of Arsenic and Iron in Dere Baba Nanak and Fatehgarh Churian blocks in District Gurdaspur of Punjab state
No information is available
Assessment of Air Pollution and Source Apportionment Study in Firozabad, District Magistrate, Firozabad
To carry out air Quality monitoring for SO2, NO2 and particulate matter with identification and quantification of major sources of pollution.
Training Programme on Air Toxics in Environment
No information is available
Evaluation of HRCM device for water purification- WFR- CNP
No information is available
Strategically designed greenbelt development along highways and its performance evaluation towards eco-capital build up
No information is available
Carrying Capacity Study for Environmentally Sustainable Iron Ore Mining Activities in Keonjhar, Sundargarh and Mayurbhanj Districts of Odisha State
No information is available
GIS-Based mapping of Water Distribution System and Integration Risk Assessment in Nagpur city
Integrated Risk Assessment of Water Distribution System was undertaken in pilot areas of Nagpur city in Water safety Plan Project
Clean coal technology
No information is available
Short Term and Localized Air Pollution Control System for Crematoria, Dump site and others in Delhi
No information is available
Quantification and Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste for Aizawl City
No information is available
Solar to Chemical Conversion Systems and Devices -TAPSUN project
The objective of the project theme - to spilt water into hydrogen using solar spectrum and subsequent utilization of hydrogen energy. In order to meet this objective, the following sub-activities are identified:
- Development of solar powered water electrolyser;
- Development of photocatalytic and photo-electrochemical process for solar hydrogen generation through water splitting;
- Development of solar hybrid processes (enzymatic coupled with photocatalysis and thermal coupled with photocatalysis) for hydrogen generation through water splitting.
Environmental Impact Assessment for Barethi Super Thermal Power Project at Barethi, Chhatarpur Dist. (MP)
No information is available
Groundwater contamination studies and its remedial measures due to construction of ash bund and allied works for ash disposal at STPS, Sarni (Dist: Betul), Madhya Pradesh
No information is available
Comprehensive Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment (CEIRA) for Proposed Zircaloy and Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) Fuel Fabrication Facilities and Township Development at Rawatbhata, Kota,Rajasthan
No information is available
Air Pollution Dispersion Modelling of SO2 from Proposed Pet Coke Plant of Goa Carbon, Udaybhata, Jagatsinghpur, Paradeep, Odisha
Source dispersion modelling of SO2 emission from the elevated stacks in Paradeep region of Odhisha. Estimate of ground level concentration of SO2 from the existing stack of Goa Carbon. Estimate of stack height for release of SO2 from the proposed additional stack of petroleum calcination coke plant of Goa Carbon at Udayabata, Jagatsingpur, Paradeep, Odhisha, while meeting the regulatory requirement of ambient air SO2 concentration.
DPR for Solid Waste Management in New Township, Kolkata
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Microbial Diversity of human gut
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GIS-Based mapping of Water Distribution System and Integration Risk Assessment of Risk Prone Area for High Contamination Probabilities
Integrated Risk Assessment of Water Distribution System was undertaken in 3 pilot areas of Hyderabad city in Water safety Plan Project
Evaluation of Multi-Fuel Cookstove NEERDHUR Based on CSIR-NEERI Technology.
No information is available
Methane Emission from the MSW Landfill Sites for the Year 2010
No information is available
Engineered Materials (FAZ Alumina composites & SEN)
MESER proposes to develop systems/devices/processes and technologies based on environmental materials and microbial consortia/ enzymes/ target genes, for environmental monitoring and remediation, valo-remediation and hybrid energy systems with novel cross-disciplinary paradigm. In order to meet this objective MESER proposes to set up new structured facility for OMICS research, Molecular Chemistry & nanoscience research and process development lab. MESER also proposes a technology demonstration hub with requisite facilities to translate the established bench scale process know-hows and proof of concepts (developed in the 11th five year plan) into feasible pilot scale technologies for transfer to interested industries and end users. MESER will focus on developing innovative, sustainable and affordable solutions at a scale suitable for community and industry by engaging industries and end users including Sud-Chemie, Tata Steel R&D, ONGC, UNICEF, Coromondel fertilizers etc. in all stages of the development process. We aim to design, develop, operate and maintain demand driven technologies for transfer and licensing, thus strengthening and positioning CSIR/NEERI in technology transfers as shown in the figure below. A team of twenty scientists from CSIR-NEERI propose to network and provide the deliverables including products, devices and processes.
Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment Study for RSPL Limited, Ahmedabad for the Proposed "Soda Ash Plant of Capacity 1500 TPD Light Soda Ash and 770 TPD of Dense Soda Ash with Coal/Lignite based Captive Power Plant 50 MW capacity near Village Kuranga, Taluka Dwarka, District Devbhumi Dwarka, Gujarat
No information is available
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) between Katra-Qazigund (Km 30-168) Section of Udhampur- Srinagar-Baramula Rail Link (USBRL) Project in the State of Jammu & Kashmir.
No information is available
Indoor Air Quality Status at Mir Abbas Yar Ali Jung Exhibition Hall of Salar Jung Museum - Sulphur compounds
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Consultancy Services on Regulatory Aspect of Emission at ONGC, Urban Plant, Navi Mumbai Region, Dist. Raigarh
Carry out dispersion modeling and predict the ground level concentration of pollutant and verify compliance.
Pre-feasibility Study for Converting Landfill Gas to Liquefied Natural Gas in India
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Assessment of methylmercury in an aquatic biota nearby thermal power plant
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Development of Pollution Abetament Strategies For Damodar River System
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Carrying Capacity for Jharsuguda Region, Orissa
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Clean Water -Sustainable Options
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Hydrogeological Studies due to Proposed Flyash Pond in Birsinghpur, Umaria district, M.P. and Mitigation Measures
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EIRA for Mehsana - Bhatinda Natural Gas Pipeline Project
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Study on Odour Control in and around A.P. Paper Mill, Rajahmundry
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Performance Evaluation of Air Pollution Control Systems (APC) of Uttam Galva Metallics Ltd., Wardha
Main Objective of the study is to carry out air quality monitoring and source apportionment study in Uttam Galva region. Study the possibility of reducing air pollution in Uttam Galva air Quality management approach.
Sampling and Analysis of MSWs at Selected Locations in Kolkata
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Development of Biofencing on farmers degraded land for erosion control in Hinganghat
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Environmental Management Plan for Rejuvenation of River Yamuna
Hydrodynamic modelling of river Yamuna for a stretch of 50 km in Delhi was carried out for different flood scenarios.
Carrying Capacity for Iron Mines in Orissa
No information is available
"Clean Coal Technology (TapCoal Development of Coal based Chemical-Looping Combustion Technology for Cleaner Energy Generation (overall title) NEERI (WP) "
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EIRA Studies for Proposed Grass-root Refinery with Petrochemical Complex at Pachpadra, Barmer, Rajasthan
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Environmental Friendly Strategy for Waste Management in India Utilising Cement and Concrete Production Technology
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Environmental Management Plan for Osmansagar and Himayatsagar Lakes at Hyderabad
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Performance Evaluation of Air Pollution Control Systems (APC) of Sunflag Steel Works, Bhandara
Probing study on use of Pickling sludge at Sinter plant along with associated emission characterisation and environmental aspects
Env. Impact Assessment of Thermal Power Plants in Jharkhand
No information is available
Development of Eco-rejuvenation model on fly ash dump areas
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Understanding Indian subcontinent?s microscopic eukaryotic biodiversity, utilizing Next Generation Sequencing techniques
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Ecological Engineering Measures for the Restoration of Lake Ecosystems at Udaipur
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Carrying Capacity for Iron Mines in Goa
No information is available
Assessment of Environmental Impacts due to Gold Jewellery Manufacturing Unit on the Food Processing Units and Immediate Vicinity in KINFRA Techno Industrial Park, Kozhikode
M/s. MGPL approached CSIR-NEERI for conducting a study to assess the environmental impacts of the gold jewellery-manufacturing unit on the surrounding vicinity comprising the food processing units in KINFRA-TIP.
As per the Honourable High Court Order, based on the technical discussions, and the information provided by MGPL, an environmental assessment study has been carried out during December 2016 to January 2017 for assessment of impacts on various environmental components like air, noise, land and water in the surrounding vicinity including food processing units in KINFRA industrial techno park due to the proposed jewellery manufacturing unit. The baseline environmental status w.r.to air, water, land and noise has been established during the winter season. An EMP is proposed based on the observations and findings from the environmental assessment study.
Catalysing Soot-NOx reaction without precious metals Mixed oxide catalyst for diesel exhaust emission control
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Environmental Baseline Studies for Proposed Development Operations in Sohagpur West CBM Block, District Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh (RIL)
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Updating the existing Technology Manual on Water Treatment Technology
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Rapid assessment of environmental pollution control measures for industrial cluster of Visakha Port Trust (VPT), Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) and Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL) at Visakhapatnam.
No information is available
National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
To study ambient air quality status of six Indian cities for pollutant as per MOU(Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata,Mumbai). To study tendency of the air pollutants levels in six cities. To generate ambient air pollutants levels data base for supply to regulatory authorities etc and for in house R&D.
Single and Two Phase Anaerobic Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste and Composting of Municipal Solid Waste
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Development of green belt along Gosekhurd using Eichhornia crassipes as an amendment through ERT (Eco-rejuvenation Technology
No information is available
Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of Pteris vittata during phytoremediation of arsenic metal contaminated soil
It is proven reports that microbes and plants are capable to uptake heavy metals of toxic in nature even though it is not demanding for primary metabolism of these organisms. Both microbes and plants are when comes together in synergism might increase the metal uptake rate and becomes hyper accumulator. If, so, then there must be a crosstalk via chemical and molecular signatures such as RNA transcripts and proteins between the soil, microbes and plants, which needs to be identified and characterized for understanding the mechanism of hyper accumulation of metal ions during phytoremedition.
- Growing plants in arsenic contaminated and control soil and analysis of metal uptake
- Isolation of proteins and transcriptomes expressed during symbiotic association.
- Functional characterization of isolated transcriptomes.
In-house R&D Projects Development of GIS based Environmental Modeling Tools
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Biomethanation of Lignocellulosic Residues-Rice Straw
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Environmental Impact Assessment for proposed Gujarat solar Power Parks at Charanka Village, Santalpur Taluka, Patan Distt. and at Hasad Village, Vav Taluka, Banarkantha Distt., Gujarat.
No information is available
Lowcost and shape-tailored nano catalysts for volatile organic compounds emission control
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Evaluation of Technologies Developed by Different Agencies for Drinking Water Supply
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National Workshop for Solid Waste Management in India
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Assessment of water quality and sediment analysis to understand the special properties of Ganga River.
Augmentation of Water Supply System of Agra : Pre-design Cost Estimate
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Environmental Impact Assessment for Development of Regional Landfill Facilities of MSW Management in MMR
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Risk assessment for the development of existing Puducherry Port into a deep water modern port.
No information is available
Grid analysis study for Assessment of Environmental Impacts due to Operation of MRPL (Phase III) on Air, Noise and Groundwater in Surrounding Villages.
The environmental quality and the impact of Phase III units in the study area after the implementation of pollution control measures has been evaluated by monitoring and modeling exercises during the Phase II (December 2017) of the study. The environmental quality data comprising ambient air quality, fugitive emissions, noise levels, traffic intensity and ground water quality have been monitored in the study area during Phase II of the study. The cumulative impact assessment due to continuous sources in the MRPL refinery and the impact of fugitive emissions and odorous pollutants on the air environment in the study area have also been assessed during Phase II of the study to evaluate the post EMP implementation scenario. Also groundwater quality and noise levels are assessed during Phase II.
Field demonstration and user perception study of domestic water defluoridation techniques in rural areas.
Design and development of housejold defluordators with novel adsorbent and their field demonstration and distribution
Comprehensive EIRA Studies for Proposed Petroleum, Chemical and Petrochemical Investment Region, Dahej-Vagra, Dist. Bharuch
No information is available
Groundwater Quality Assessment in the Vicinity of Flyash Ponds and Adjoining villages of NTPC, Simhadri
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Performance Evaluation of Air Pollution Control System (APC) of Raymond UCO Denim Pvt. Ltd., Yavatmal
To conduct the performance evaluation of all Air Pollution Control system of Raymond UCO Denim Pvt. Ltd.
Assessment of Status of Solid Waste Management in Metro Cities, State Capitals, Other Cities and Towns, CPCB, New Delhi
No information is available
Design of Wastewater Collection System for Agra Master Plan
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Assessment of Post Impact of Fire Hazard at TSDF Facility of Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd., Ankleshwar, Gujarat
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EIRA of Proposed Thermal Power Project near Akurumukutu, Nagapattinam, District (Tamilnadu).
No information is available
Development and demonstration of low cost fuel from agricultural waste
Development of biomass briquettes from leaves and agricultural wastes and their burning efficiency in cook stove.
EIRA for the Proposed Excel Solvent Spun Cellulosic Fibre (109500 TPA) alongwith CPP at Birla cellulosic, Kharach, Dist. Bharuch, Gujarat
No information is available
Design and Development of Sustainable Remediation Process for Mitigation of Arsenic Contamination in Ground Water
No information is available
Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment of Proposed 500 MW Lignite Based Thermal Power Plant at Padva, Dist. Bhavnagar, Gujarat
No information is available
Status of Methane Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Nagpur and Adjoining Cities
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Development of a new model for risk assessment of urban water distribution system
The objective of the project is to develop user interactive software i.e. Risk-PiNet for risk assessmnet in water distribution system. RISK-PiNET identifies the pipes with the greatest risk of hydraulic deficiencies and structural failure. It generates a prioritized list of pipes those require rehabilitation. The software is developed using Microsoft Excel VBA 2010 which is integrated with QGIS 2.8.3 for GIS mapping, spatial analysis, mathematical modelling and visual display of model results for pipe vulnerability, hazards and risk.
Assessment of Remediation of Hazardous Waste Contaminated Areas in and around M/s Union Carbide India Ltd. (UCIL), Bhopal
No information is available
Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for proposed Lignite Based 135 MW Power Plant at Tadkeswar, Surat
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for proposed Lignite Based 135 MW Power Plant
Ground Water Quality Modelling and Contamination Assessment in Choutuppal Industrial Area
Assessment of groundwater quality, surface water quality and soil quality has been carried out in and around the Choutuppal industrial area during April 2016. Groundwater modelling and contamination assessment has been carried out based on both primary and secondary data collected during the study period. Remedial measures have been suggested to minimize the contamination of ground water.
Assessment of Impact of Sewage Disposal of Nagpur City on Gosikhurd Reservoir and Delineation of Mitigation Measures for Minimization of Pollution
No information is available
Short Term Air Pollution Control System for Green Crematorias, Dumpsite and Others in Delhi, Delhi Pollution Control Committee, Delhi
The objective and scope of short term and localised air pollution control system for crematoria, dumpsites, brick kilns and others in Delhi are:
- Assessment of quantity and quality of cow dung.
- Finding out possibilities to cow dung to produce electricity, briquettes, fuel pellets.
- Cost benefit analysis of the recycled product.
Preparation of DPR of Solid Waste Management at Kota
No information is available
Impact Assessment and Submergence Scenario of Aliya Bet due to proposed Dam in gulf of Khambat
Submergence of Aliyabet was studied due to proposed dam in gulf of Khambat using GIS and RS
Comprehensive Audit of Solid Waste Generation at M/s Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Chennai
No information is available
EIRA studies for proposed Lignite based 500 MW power plant at Padva in Bhavnagar District, Gujarat.
No information is available
Impact Assessment of Road Embankment Construction on Narikulam Water Tank in Kanniyakumari District, Tamil Nadu
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Major past projects
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Development of Appropriate Waste Management System in Handmade Paper Industry
No information is available
Pollution Monitoring, Mitigration System and Device - estimation of assimilative capacity of environmental media of select region
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Measures in Relation to Waste and Contaminated Sites under the Development of National Implementation Plan on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) under Stockholm Convention (UNIDO)
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Visit of Ethiopian Delegation
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Env. Impact Assessment of Mumbai Pune Expressway
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CSIR- Network Project Multi Scale Modelling Platform for Environmental Forecasting & Management CMM-20
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Determination of Emission Factors for the Inventory of Green House Gases in Ammonia Production in India for a Period 1995-2007
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Laboratory/Pilot Plant Probe Studies for Upgradation of Performance of Final Effluent Treatment Plant (FETP) at Ankleshwar, Gujarat
No information is available
Training Programme for Water Supply engineers and Chemists
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EIA for proposed Gujarat solar Power Park Phase II at HasadVillage,Vav Taluka, BanarkanthaDistt., Gujarat
No information is available
Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment of Proposed 1000 MW Thermal Power Plant at Marudampallam, Nagapattinam Distt. Tamil Nadu
No information is available
Performance Evaluation of Air Pollution Control Systems(APC) of Uttam Value Steel, Wardha
To conduct the performance evaluation and compliance monitoring of above mentioned Air Pollution Control system (APC) and air quality management study of M/s Uttam Value Steels Ltd. Wardha.
Projects on Environment Impact Assessment of Highway Projects
No information is available
Short Term and Localised Air Pollution Control System for Crematoria, Dump site and others in Delhi
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Technical Consultancy & Supervision for the Severage implementation project at Udaipur
No information is available
Technical Evaluation of the Proposed Centralized Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) at Additional Amaravati Industrial Area
No information is available
Terrestrial EIA for Expansion of Existing Jetty by Setting up a New Berth at Gulf of Kutch, Jamnagar, Gujarat
No information is available
Monitoring of Air, Water and Atmospheric Pollution of BPCL Kochi Refinery, Ambalamugal in connection with Kerala High Court Judgement
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Crisis / Disaster Management Plan for the Development of the Existing Puducherry Port into a Deep Water Modern Port
No information is available
Understanding the genetic basis of susceptibility in fluorosis in Indian populations
- Evaluation of the effects of fluoride in affected and non-affected individuals in families living in a fluorosis endemic region through clinical examination
- Study of biomarkers in affected and non-affected individuals in families living in a fluorosis endemic region from blood and urine samples
- Study of genetic polymorphisms in candidate genes in affected and non-affected individuals in families living in a fluorosis endemic region
- Carry out statistical analysis to investigate the relationship between fluorosis, genetic polymorphisms and biochemical parameters in enrolled subjects
GIS based water distribution system optimization software
No information is available
Environmentally Sound Management of Ink Sludge at M/s Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Pvt. Ltd., Note Mudran Nagar, Mysore
No information is available
Assessment of Present Environmental Quality Status of Tadadi Port Region (Additional Study for Environmental Impact Assessment Studies for Development of Sea Port at Tadadi, Karwar, Karnataka)
No information is available
Greywater Treatment and Reuse in the Residential Complex of Accountant General's Office , Raipur, Chhattisgarh
No information is available
Carrying Capacity Study for Environmentally Sustainable Mining in Keonjhar, Sundargarh and Mayurbhanj Districts of Odisha
The objective of study is to assess the environmental, ecological, geo-hydrological as well as socio-economic impact of iron ore mining activity.
Rapid Assessment of Environmental Pollution Studies for Visakha Port Trust, HPCL and Hindustan Zinc Ltd. At Visakhapatnam
No information is available
EIA for proposed LNG FSRU facilities at Kakinada Deep Water Port, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh
The pre-project environmental quality (baseline status) monitored during October 2012 - February 2013 for air, noise, water, land, biology, socio-economic and coastal marine components in study area along with the available design details of proposed project have formed the basis for identification, prediction and evaluation of impacts and preparation of pragmatic Environmental Management Plan including post project monitoring and emergency management system to mitigate the potential adverse impacts from proposed FSRU based LNG terminal project.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Sustainable City Planning in Pune
No information is available
Inventory of Green House Gases in Ammonia Production in India for the Year 2010
No information is available
Field assessment of a bioremediation product for the rejuvenation of a lake and to study its impact on lake water quality and its biodiversity
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Evaluation of Iron Removal Plants at Rajnandgaon District (C.G).
No information is available
Remediation of Mercury Contaminated Site at Hindustan Unilever Ltd., Kodaikanal
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Technical Appraisal of Proposed Sewage Treatment Plant for Chak Ganjaria Township in Gomti Nagar, Lucknow
No information is available
Evaluation and Standardization of Arsenic Removal Units
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Studies on Removal and Relocation of Overburden Dump at Orasso Dongor Iron Ore Mine of M/s Sesa Goa Ltd.
No information is available
Adequacy and Efficacy Assessment of STPs in Srinagar & Water Quality Assessment of Dal-Nigeen Lake
No information is available
"Structural and functional analysis of positive and detrimental effects of SNPs in MIRNA and target proteins involved in xenobiotic metabolism and focal adhesion"
No information is available
Assessment of Impact of Air Pollution and Vibration due to proposed Thermal Power Plant on Jaigad Fort, Dist. Ratnagiri
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Assessment and Remediation of Solar Evaporation Pond Area of Rallis India Ltd., Patancheru
No information is available
Wastewater Management Plan for Malanjkhand Copper Project
No information is available
"Genotoxicity and endocrine disruptive property evaluation of wastewater before & after treatment by Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs)"
No information is available
Impact Assessment due to plant operations on the water quantity, quality and soils at Kaladera (Jaipur)
No information is available
Environmentally Sound Management of Solid and Hazardous Wastes at Paradeep Phosphates Ltd
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Monitoring of Effluents being Discharged from Four Industries Located in Eloor and Edayar in Ernakulam District, Kerala Including Assessment of Water Quality and Sediment of Receoving Water Body under the Direction of the Hon'ble National Green Tribunal, Southern Zone Bench, Chennai vide its Order Dated September 07, 2015.
No information is available
Interventions to Improve Water and Environmental Sanitation Status in Madhya Pradesh
No information is available
Environmental Feasibility of Jarofix Waste Utilization for Road Making at Hindustan Zinc Ltd., Chanderia
No information is available
Study on up-gradation of effluent treatment plant for performance improvement & future environmental compliance including feasibility assessment for effluent recycle/re-use at IOCL, Digboi, Assam
No information is available
Development of multi-pollutant removing, water distillation and purification system using solar energy
No information is available
Studies for assessing the depletion of groundwater sources and land degradation in and around Sirigaon Village, Goa and its mitigation measures
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Evaluation of Continuous Waste Recycling/Indirect Pyrolysis Technology
No information is available
Assess the Impacts of Climate Change on Water Demand at National Level for the Short, Medium, to Long-Term Time Line
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Environmentally Sound Management of ETP Sludge at M/s Kohler India Corp. Pvt. Ltd., Jhagadia
No information is available
Assessment of Effluent Treatment Facilities Implemented Based on Zero Effluent Discharge for Performance Evaluation at Nagarjuna Agrichem Ltd. Srikakulam, A. P.
No information is available
Evaluation and development of hand pump attachable iron removal plants using biological up-flow roughing filters
No information is available
Management of Waste Generated at M/s Kohler India Corp. Pvt. Ltd., Jhagadia (Unit-II)
No information is available
Development of Process package for re-engineering the existing effluent treatment facility to meet capacity expansion and environmental compliance at Security Paper Mill, Hosangabad
No information is available
Investigations on Arsenic Contamination in Ground Water Sources of Colliery Belt of district Korba, Chhattisgarh
No information is available
Assessment of Leachability Characteristics of Soil Stabilizers Developed M/s Jindal Steel and Power Ltd., Raigarh
No information is available
Technical Appraisal of Newely Established Effluent Treatment Plant based on Zero Liquid Effluent Discharge for Textile Wastewater of M/s Innovative Textile Ltd at Butibori, Nagpur
No information is available
Sustainable Development and Management of Water Resources
No information is available
Studies on the Emission of HCN during Decontamination of Discarded Cyanide Containers at Zawar Mine of HZL
No information is available
Feasibility Studies for Upgradation of Effluent Treatment Plant at M/s Amroon Foods Private Limited, Barabanki, UP
No information is available
Development of Portable Digital Kit for Field Management of Arsenic
No information is available
Environmentally Sound Management of Solid Wastes at Reshmika Minerals and Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
No information is available
Feasibility Studies for Upgradation of Effluent Treatment Plant at M/s Fair Export I Foods Private Limited, Rampur, UP
No information is available
Design, Development Installation and Performance evaluation of solar photovoltaic system for defluoridation of drinking water at Dongargaon
No information is available
Assessment of Subsurface Soil Contamination at the Proposed Site of M/s Ideal Real Estates Pvt. Ltd., New Alipore, Kolkata
No information is available
Design of basic engineering package for sewage treatment plant at security paper mill at Hishangabad, MP
No information is available
Evaluation of lake water quality of Nagpur with respect to organics and methane emission
No information is available
Consultancy Services for Expansion of HWTSDF at Vapi Waste and Effluent Management Co. Ltd., Vapi
No information is available
Training on Environmental Sanitation
No information is available
Revision of Guidance Manual on Drinking Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment
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GPR Studies for the near surface investigations in Ajanta Caves
No information is available
Preparation of Upper Catchment Area Treatment (CAT) Plan for Nongtrai Limestone Mine, Meghalya
No information is available
Evaluation and upgradation of Multi parameter Water Quality Measurement Field Test Kit
No information is available
EIA of Prem Bahadur nallah and Swaroop Nallah Minor Irrigation Schemes in Great Nicobar Island and Korang Nallah Minor Irrigation Schemes in Middle Andaman (A&N Islands)
No information is available
Evaluation of Centrally sponsored schemes of Accelerated Urban Water Supply Programme (AUWSP)
No information is available
Evaluation of Polyelectrolyte for Water Treatment
No information is available
Estimation of biodiversity in the proposed Middle Vaitarna Dam submergence area
No information is available
WHO Fellowship Training programme on Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance and Emergency Water Supply and Sanitation
No information is available
Assessment of Water Quality and Suggest Treatment Measures for Raw Water Source of MIDC Water Supply Scheme
No information is available
CSIR Network project titled "Development of techniques in Exploration, Assessment and Management of groundwater in hard rock areas" (CORE-0005)
No information is available
Optimization of Use of Chlorine and its Compounds in India
No information is available
Comprehensive EIA for 1000 MW Karcham-Wangtoo Hydroelectric project at river Sutlej, Dist. Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh
No information is available
Impact of On-site Sanitation Systems on the Quality of Ground and Surface Water Resources
No information is available
Study on Surveillance of Drinking Water Quality in Selected 25 Cities/ Towns in India
No information is available
Study on Surveillance of Drinking Water Quality in Selected 11 Cities / Towns in India
No information is available
Sustainable water resources management in Himalayan villages with particular reference to rain water harvesting and environmental protection of the streams for safe drinking water supply and sanitation in hilly region of Tehri Garhwal
No information is available
Studies on Environmental Status of Futala Lake and development of Management Plan for restoration of water quality on long term basis using ecotechnological approaches
No information is available
Impact of Silt disposal from Beas-Sutlej Link (BSL) Project on Aquatic Life in Sutlej River water
No information is available
Workshops on ?Assessment of Current and Futuristic Water Quality Standards in India and Provide Guidelines?
No information is available
Development of Directory of Drinking Water Quality Laboratories in the Country ? Phase I
No information is available
Development of Directory of Drinking Water Quality Laboratories in the Country - Phase II
No information is available
Groundwater Modelling at Kovaya Limestone Mine, Gujarat Cement Works, District- Amreli (Gujrat)
No information is available
CEIA of MSDP-Stage II Priority Works
No information is available
Study of Ground Water Aquifer system at Jagannathpuri and its Protection from contamination
No information is available
Use of Urban and Industrial Wastewater for Crop Production
Aims and Objectives:
- Highlight the harmful / deleterious constituents in the waste water
- Give treatment for elimination of these constituents
- Recycle / reuse the waste water for biomass production
Scope of Work:
- Assessment and characterization of w/w for its suitability to use for agro-recycling
- Effective & appropriate management of w/w as a source of irrigation water
- Improvement in the efficiencies of w/w for their nutrient potential
- Evaluation of bio-remedial techniques for increasing the efficacy of w/w utilization
- Cost effective assessment of w/w irrigation practices
- Human resource development to promote the recycling and reuse of w/w for sustainable agro – ecosystem.
Summary: Land application of domestic wastewater has been adopted as one of the methods of wastewater treatment and disposal. Besides irrigation, it offers an alternative for the resource recovery from wastewater in the form of plant nutrients and water reuse through agriculture. Land application provides primary, secondary and tertiary treatment to the waste, all in a single operation with recycling and reuse benefits of water and nutrients for biomass production besides preventing the pollution of streams and lakes. Survey and periodic sampling of urban and industrial wastewater for physico-chemical and biological considerations: Site Details The project scheme is being operated at following sites
- Urban sewage/ wastewater Sugar industry (agro-based activity)
- Paper & pulp industry
- Distillery Industry in Tamil Nadu (proposed) Characteristics of Urban wastewater As per the objective of the project, urban wastewater was monitored in the city of Nagpur at three strategic locations from where the wastewater is being reused for irrigation purposes.
Nag river, which originates in the lake Ambazari, flows through the Nagpur city and carries the water from all the domestic as well as industrial sources in the city. Thus, today the river is turned into a wastewater carrying drain. Characteristically, only the part of city wastewater is treated in the sewage treatment plant and the treated wastewater is again discharged in the flowing drain. Out of these three sites, site
- receives the treated wastewater from the sewage pumping station while the other two sites are as good as for untreated wastewater. Site for urban sewage/ wastewater is selected about 12 km from the NEERI where wastewater from river Nag is available and used for irrigation purpose. The wastewater from Nagpur City is treated partially at Bhandewadi Sewage Pumping Station and disposed in the river Nag.
- It further flows to the experimental site at village Bharatwada about approx. 20 km from Nagpur. The wastewater characterization details in different seasons indicate that the concentration of pollutants are at lower profile in monsoon season due to dilution effect and high in summer. Sewage water is rich in nitrate and phosphate and are conducive for biomass production. However, the chlorides and sulphates in the sewage are also high indicating the anthropogenic influence. Seasonal heavy metal contents in sewage used for irrigation were monitored. It is observed that in general the concentrations are high in winter and summer seasons than the monsoon. Of all the heavy metals, the Ni contents are exceeding the permissible limits in all the seasons except monsoon.
- Cost effective assessment of wastewater irrigation practice using urban wastewater indicated that there is 2-3 fold increase in yield with respect to paddy and wheat. For chilli crop, the increase ranges from 8-10 fold. Cultivating aromatic plants is a new perspective, which is highly profitable when urban effluents are used for irrigation.
To study the Quantum Particulate Dispersion from Mining Activity and its Effects on Plant at Chandrapur
Aims and Objectives:
- Assess the particulate dispersion from the mining and related activities
- Study the effect of dust deposition on nearby plants/crops
- Recommend mitigation options to control productivity losses
Scope of Work:
- The proposed study area will be the WCL Mining area in Chandrapur District.
- The studies will span over a year comprising of three seasons namely winter, summer and monsoon.
- The study fields will be identified for crops as well as forest trees at strategic distances from the transport activities say 5 m ( adjacent to road side ), 100m, 200m, 300m
- Depositional rate of aerosols will be monitored manually in the field as well as from modeling exercises using software package
- Evaluation of particle deposition on leaf surface
- Morphological and physiological alternations (visible and invisible) will be assessed on seasonal basis in the crops • Overall growth of the crop plants on yield basis and on carbon will be computed
- Mitigation options to control productivity losses will be suggested in the final report
- Socio-economic assessment of the study area will be carried out by third party Non-Government Organization
- Two Workshops, one at the start of the project and other at the completion of the project `will be organized
Summary: During mining operations the particles are emitted in various operations like excavations, blasting and also during the transport of the mined products. Also, mining activity generates large quantities of over burden which is nothing but the loose earth material excavated and deposited in upside down position. This loosened material is also prone to be wind blown and disperse in the atmosphere. Considering the gravity of the problem, Western Coal Fields Ltd., Nagpur has retained National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur to study the quantum of particulate dispersion from mining activity and its effect on plants. Assessment of impact of transportation on standing vegetation on Hadasti Ghat Route and Visapur Ghat Route was undertaken for Rabbi & Kharip crops.
The crops selected for the study were:
- Jowar - Sorghum vulgare
- Tur - Cajanas cajan
- Chilli - Capsicum annuum
- Cotton - Gossypium hirsutum Hadasti Ghat Roue is currently under operation for sand transportation while Visapur and Seoni Ghat Routes are closed for sand transportation. Samples were collected at strategic distances from the Ghats i.e. Wardha river bank as starting point up to the jurisdiction of WCL area. At each location, the samples were collected at a 5, 100, 200, 300 meter distances from the edge of the road and coded as A, B, C, and D respectively
The results of the study indicate that
- The Dust dispersion in the ambient air due to sand transport is higher in the study area than the no activity zone
- The particulate concentration is higher in summer season (maximum value of 16.2 MT/km2 / month at Charwat village) than the winter season
- Water soluble fraction of the dust is negligible and the chemical composition of dust is harmless, innocuous as there is no component in the dust which is hazardous to plant growth
- The dust deposition on the leaf surfaces of crops in Hadsti Ghat route is more than the Visapur Ghat route which is not in operation during study period
- The morphological analyses of the crop plants : Jowar, Tur, Cotton and Chilli indicate that there is no correlation in the morphological parameters and dust deposition on the leaf surfaces
- The dust deposition is more on the leaves of crops which are at the edge of the road (5 m from road side) than 100 and 200 m distances respectively
- The particle size distribution indicates that the 60 % of the road dust is of >100 micron size i.e. does not remain suspended in the air over a long period and settle down under gravitational force nearer to the source
- The dust collected in the jar has 86 % of the particles in the range of >100 micron size while 45 % of dust particles deposited on the leaf surface are in the range of > 51 to < 100 micron size
- The soil analysis shows that the soils are poor in nutrient value (available N,P,K)
- There is poor irrigation facility in the study area due to which the crops on Visapur Ghat road which is not in operation during study period show low yields than the Hadasti Ghat route
- The farmers are not managing the fields according to the standard agricultural practices which is evident from poor irrigation facility and application of inadequate organic and synthetic fertilizers which seems to be the prime cause of low yields in the region.
Remediation and Restoration of Degraded Lands due to Removal of Fertile Top Soil by the Brick Kiln Industries in India
No information is available
Impact of on-site sanitation systems on the quality of ground and surface water sources
- To assess the impact of on-site sanitation systems on surface and groundwater quality in the selected project areas through estimation of bacteriological, physical and chemical water quality parameters
- To suggest corrective and remedial measures for prevention of contamination of water resources in case of positive evidence of contamination of water sources
- To develop guidelines for prevention and mitigation of ground and surface water contamination in and around project areas
- To evaluate the performance of Shankar-Balram type low cost sanitary latrines and to recommend their suitability for adoption in different parts of the country.
Scope of Work:
- The states to be covered are : Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal
- Identification of towns and cities from each of the above mentioned States based on local problems and short term analysis in consultation with the concerned State Government, Local body and CPHEEO
- Collection of information of water quality pertaining to each study area, before and after implementation of on-site sanitation systems, if available with local authorities, for comparison of the data generated through field study during project activities and assessment of impact
- Collection of data on soil characteristics through secondary sources in the project areas
- Monitoring of pollution indicator parameters, compilation and analysis of data on impact of on-site sanitation systems on water quality
- Establish a safe distance between on-site sanitation systems and ground water supply installation/source
- Identification of other possible sources of pollution, e.g. open defecation, sewerage, drainage, refused dumps leaching, open or unprotected wells, agricultural practices, e.g. application of fertilizers or nightsoil manure
- Delineation of sound guidelines, recommendations and action plan for monitoring, mitigation and remedial measures keeping in view aesthetics, health, environmental and economic criteria
Summary: The Government of India recommended a comprehensive study for prevention of contamination of water sources and to suggest corrective and remedial measures. The CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India has retained NEERI to carry out study on impact of on-site sanitation systems on the quality of ground and surface water sources in ten selected cities. The project commenced with reconnaissance survey. Sampling and analysis have been carried out for all the sites selected in the ten cities for the four seasons. The analysis reveals that contamination of the ground water samples is significant in regions having secondary porosity. This scenario is present in Bhopal and Indore. In contrast, in cities like Kolkata and Lucknow, where there is alluvial cover, ground water samples located close to the on-site sanitation systems are least contaminated. The findings leave scope for further studies in respect of movement of contaminants in the unsaturated zone. There is need for a comprehensive study to investigate the movement of contaminants by high resolution geophysical imaging techniques.
2nd Maharashtra Water Supply and Sanitation Project - Water Quality Assessment
- To determine water quality of representative samples of dug/bore wells and public supplies of drinking water, mainly in the GPs selected for study
- To find possible correlation between the pollutants and factors influencing their appearance in the water supplies and
- To identify sources of pollution and suggest mitigation measures as deemed necessary to contain the level of contamination
Scope of Work:
Reconnaissance survey of identified villages for selection of sampling locations and collection of secondary data on water supply, agricultural practices, health and social aspects etc. Collection of a total about 300 representative samples from traditional water sources as well as taps in public water supply schemes from selected 20 villages of five districts based on the following criteria :
- Open dug wells in the agricultural field
- Open dug wells in the household backyard and at public places
- Bore wells with hand pumps
- Water at treatment plant (before and after treatment)
- Water at collection points (MWS & PWS)
- Tap water at households / schools / health centers / market place etc.
- Water stored in households
- The chemical water quality problems in study villages are excess fluoride, iron, nitrate, TDS and hardness
- The individual pesticide levels in the samples are within the WHO guideline values regulated for drinking water
- The bacteriological analysis results indicate that 81% of the sources are positive for total coliform and out of this, 86% samples are positive for faecal coliform and 76% sources are positive for faecal streptococci.
- Not only the dug wells and surface water sources, but many hand pumps and bore wells are also bacteriologically contaminated
- The bacterial contamination of water sources may be attributed to poor sanitary condition around water sources, improper drainage facilities near hand pumps and bore wells and location of other pollution sources like cattle shed, latrine soak pit near water sources
- There is significant increase in bacterial contamination between collection at water sources and eventual use which may be attributed to unhygienic personal habits of the villagers
Study of Arsenic Contamination in the Groundwater of Chowki Block
The Public Health Engineering Department, Rajnandgaon Division, Madhya Pradesh retained the Institute in May 1999, to undertake the study of arsenic contaminatioin in the ground waters of Chowki Block in District Rajnandgaon. A team of scientists from the Institute visited 154 villages of Chowki Block and collected 813 water samples from hand pumps and dug wells. These water samples were analysed for arsenic and some other physico-chemical parameters (pH, conductivity, alkalinity, iron, and manganese). The analysis of arsenic was done by the Hydride Generation – Inductively Coupled Plasma (HG-ICP) spectroscopic method developed at the Institute. Out of total 813 water sources analysed, it was observed that 45 water sources in 11 villages contained arsenic above 50 μg/L, the BIS limit for arsenic in drinking water, the highest concentration being 1890 μg/L (or 1.89 mg/L). There are 129 sources which contained arsenic in the range 10 to 48 μg/L. The WHO Provisional Guideline Value for arsenic in drinking water is 10 μg/L. Thus, considering the Indian Standard specifications of BIS 10500 : 1991 there are 45 sources in the Chowki Block which exceed the limit for arsenic in drinking water, whereas there are 174 sources which exceed the limit of arsenic as per the Provisional Guideline Value of WHO. There are 122 sources in which arsenic values ranged between 2 to 9 μg/L. Remaining 157 sources showed arsenic Below Detectable Limit (BDL); the detectable limit for arsenic with HG-ICP method being 2 μg/L. Available technological options for providing arsenic free water are described in the report and recommendations have been made for future course of action.
Water Quality Assessment of Sources for Organised Rural Water Supply in Yavatmal District in the State of Maharashtra
Necessity of the Study The Government of India has emphasized the objective of safe water supply to the population and desired that Maharashtra State Government to undertake water quality assessment of all the ground water sources used for public water supply schemes. Recently, it was observed that in some of the development blocks of Yavatmal district, drinking water sources have excessive fluoride, iron, nitrate and salinity. The State government had taken the cognizance of the problem and an immediate action was taken for the corrective measures through water quality assessment of all the ground water sources for organised drinking water supply in the Yavatmal district. The water supply and Sanitation Department, Govt. of Maharashtra retained NEERI to carry out this work in February 2001.
Water samples were collected from 1844 villages and hamlets from 16 talukas of the district. An average of 200 water samples were received at NEERI every day and were analyzed on the same day for the parameters of health significance viz. fluoride, iron, brackishness, nitrate and arsenic. The source specific information for above parameters is generated that acts as a hand on information for the drinking water sources and may protect the people from further impairment of the health. The work is an important resource for decision makers, administrators, water supply engineers and health professionals in Yavatmal district for design and implementation of safe rural water supply schemes. The work may also crossover the boundaries of Maharashtra and may other States and developing Nations will be benefited in their endeavor to provide safe drinking water to their people. Map of Yavatmal District Map Showing Location of Yavatmal District In Maharashtra Objectives The main objective of the project was the assessment of water quality of identified sources for organised rural water supply.
The design and construction of which was supported with high degree of enthusiasm and encouragement right from inception. Senior officers of Government of Maharashtra had detailed discussion with Director and senior scientists of NEERI to undertake the assessment of water quality and aim, objectives and modalities were formulated jointly. Water Quality Analysis An average of 200 water samples was received at NEERI every day and was analysed on the same day. The first lot of water samples was received on February 12, 2001 and samples were delivered upto April 30, 2001. As planned the schedule time for analyzing 9389 water samples was 60 working days, however, the task was completed fairly within the target period in 48 working days. A team of 30 scientists had participated in water quality analysis. Results Water Quality Data The samples were collected from 9389 sources in 1840 villages of 16 talukas of Yavatmal district and pertained to the sources categories - hand pumps (3702), open dug wells (4739), regional piped water supply schemes (275) and other piped water supply schemes (673). Sources with concentrations more than the desirable limits of TDS, fluoride, iron and nitrate can be accepted for public water supply in absence of alternate sources provided the concentration of the above parameters are within the permissible limit, viz. TDS ≤ 2000 mg/L, fluoride ≤ 1.5 mg/L, iron ≤ 1.0 mg/L and nitrate ≤ 100 mg/L. There are 5730 sources under this category. Sources exceeding the permissible limit of all the four parameters, viz. TDS > 2000 mg/L, fluoride > 1.5 mg/L, iron > 1.0 mg/L and nitrate > 100 mg/L should be discarded as per BIS specifications as far as drinking water supply is concerned. There is only one such source in Yavatmal district.
Groundwater Modelling around Kovaya Limestone Mine, Gujarat Cement works, Amreli District, Gujarat
The present study deals with geophysical and groundwater modeling in the watershed covering the Ultra Tech Cement plant of the Gujarat Cement Works (GCW), which is located at Kovaya in Amreli District, Gujarat. NEERI was retained by Central Mining Research Institute CMRI (Nagpur Zonal Centre) to undertake this task. The study area is based on the concept of watershed. The Ridge on the west, the Dhatarwadi River on the east and the Arabian Sea on the south form the boundaries of the watershed. It is bounded by latitudes 20.86o to 21.00o and longitudes 71.39o to 71.49o. The study area covers all the five villages namely Kovaya, Bhakodar, Babarkot, Varaswarup and Vand, which are covered in the lease area of the GCW. The study area includes Pit1 and Pit 2, where mining operation is going on at present. Resistivity Image profiling has been undertaken in selected profiles at representative locations to examine the signatures of seawater intrusion. Groundwater Modelling has been implemented in the study area using the Visual MODFLOW Professional software (Version 4.1).
Summary of the resistivity survey:
- The groundwater analysis indicates very high values of TDS, Chloride and Sodium in the observation wells in the study area. The high values of chloride and TDS can be on account of intrusion of seawater.
- The resistivity imaging studies also indicate very low resistivity anomalies (0-3 ohm- m) in certain profiles. The distribution of this low resistivity anomaly is not simple and it is distributed in a complex form. It exhibits a diffused form.
- The depth of the very low resistivity zone varied from 4 m to 13 m in different profiles. The very low resistivity zone is more prominent in Kovaya School and Power plant site. At Pit 1, the very low resistivity zone (0-3 ohm m) starts from approximately 8m depth.
- The profile at Vand shows very low resistivity anomalies at depth more than 10 m.
EIA of Water Resources Projects
1000 MW Karcham Wangtoo hydroelectric project at Distt. Kinnaur, HP 300 MV hydroelectric project at river Baspa, Distt. Kinnaur, HP EMP for silt disposal from the BSL project of BBMB Attappaddy valley irrigation project Jigaon Dam Project, Khamgaon (M.S.) Mahadayi Hydroelectric project, Karnataka state
Study on surveillance of drinking water quality in selected cities / towns in India.
Preamble Out of all the physical environments of man, water influences human health very prominently and significantly. Furthermore the impact of water on human health are both direct and indirect. The direct impacts of water on health are derived from the quality of water consumed and the indirect impacts pertain to the quantity used for personal, domestic and household hygiene. The general observation of the international agencies is that the impact on health caused by the poor water supply is felt the most by the urban-poor as they typically lack access to services at levels which promote good health, often use water supplies of lower quality and commonly pay more per unit volume. The low-income communities are supposed to be at the greatest risk from water-related diseases.
Surveillance of drinking water quality, SDWQ, is conceptualized as an organised programme to protect public health through the identification of inadequacies and by promoting timely implementation of action to control risks in supply of adequate quantity of water of desirable quality at affordable cost. A focus on any single issue will not be adequate to provide the information and practices essential to protect public health through safe water supply. Surveillance of drinking water quality may be defined as "the continuous and vigilant public health assessment and overview of the safety and acceptability of drinking water supplies".
Necessity of Water Quality and Surveillance Programme The impact on health caused by poor water supply is felt enormously by the urban economically weaker section of the society and hence warrants the need for surveillance programmes to focus mainly on the weaker group of the society. Water quality is a key factor in promoting good health as water may contain disease-causing microorganisms (pathogens) or chemicals that are toxic. The principal concern is microbiological quality of water and more particularly so when pathogens derived from faeces are found in the water. Such pathogens cause a number of diseases, often affecting very large number of people over a short period of time. Many of these diseases, such as cholera, typhoid and dysentery may cause severe symptoms in patients and in some cases are fatal. Small children in particular are often vulnerable to diseases caused by such pathogens as reflected in high infant mortality and morbidity rates in many developing countries.
A detailed physico-chemical analysis followed by systematic monitoring of microbiological quality should be performed before any water source is used for supply to the community. This is not the direct responsibility of the surveillance agency, but it should be ensured and the results, should be reviewed. In few of the above, Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation, Government of India retained the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) to carryout, "Study on Surveillance of Drinking Water Quality in 25 Selected Cities/Towns in India".
Water Quality Assessment of Sources for Organised Rural Water Supply in Yavatmal District in the State of Maharashtra
Necessity of the Study The Government of India has emphasized the objective of safe water supply to the population and desired that Maharashtra State Government to undertake water quality assessment of all the ground water sources used for public water supply schemes. Recently, it was observed that in some of the development blocks of Yavatmal district, drinking water sources have excessive fluoride, iron, nitrate and salinity. The State government had taken the cognizance of the problem and an immediate action was taken for the corrective measures through water quality assessment of all the ground water sources for organised drinking water supply in the Yavatmal district. The water supply and Sanitation Department, Govt. of Maharashtra retained NEERI to carry out this work in February 2001.
Water samples were collected from 1844 villages and hamlets from 16 talukas of the district. An average of 200 water samples were received at NEERI every day and were analyzed on the same day for the parameters of health significance viz. fluoride, iron, brackishness, nitrate and arsenic. The source specific information for above parameters is generated that acts as a hand on information for the drinking water sources and may protect the people from further impairment of the health. The work is an important resource for decision makers, administrators, water supply engineers and health professionals in Yavatmal district for design and implementation of safe rural water supply schemes. The work may also crossover the boundaries of Maharashtra and may other States and developing Nations will be benefited in their endeavor to provide safe drinking water to their people. Map of Yavatmal District Map Showing Location of Yavatmal District In Maharashtra Objectives The main objective of the project was the assessment of water quality of identified sources for organised rural water supply.
The design and construction of which was supported with high degree of enthusiasm and encouragement right from inception. Senior officers of Government of Maharashtra had detailed discussion with Director and senior scientists of NEERI to undertake the assessment of water quality and aim, objectives and modalities were formulated jointly. Water Quality Analysis An average of 200 water samples was received at NEERI every day and was analysed on the same day. The first lot of water samples was received on February 12, 2001 and samples were delivered upto April 30, 2001. As planned the schedule time for analyzing 9389 water samples was 60 working days, however, the task was completed fairly within the target period in 48 working days. A team of 30 scientists had participated in water quality analysis. Results Water Quality Data The samples were collected from 9389 sources in 1840 villages of 16 talukas of Yavatmal district and pertained to the sources categories - hand pumps (3702), open dug wells (4739), regional piped water supply schemes (275) and other piped water supply schemes (673). Sources with concentrations more than the desirable limits of TDS, fluoride, iron and nitrate can be accepted for public water supply in absence of alternate sources provided the concentration of the above parameters are within the permissible limit, viz. TDS ≤ 2000 mg/L, fluoride ≤ 1.5 mg/L, iron ≤ 1.0 mg/L and nitrate ≤ 100 mg/L. There are 5730 sources under this category. Sources exceeding the permissible limit of all the four parameters, viz. TDS > 2000 mg/L, fluoride > 1.5 mg/L, iron > 1.0 mg/L and nitrate > 100 mg/L should be discarded as per BIS specifications as far as drinking water supply is concerned. There is only one such source in Yavatmal district.
Assessment of Status of Water Quality testing Laboratories
There are number of water quality testing laboratories located with different agencies at different places within the country but not many people know about them and the capabilities are rather unknown. Even the departments within the system are not always aware of the strength and weaknesses of their laboratories. It was also observed that not all laboratories are optimally utilized. Keeping these issues in view it is planned to develop a directory of water quality testing laboratories. The list will include laboratories available with Public Health Engineering Departments, Water Boards, Ground Water Boards & Pollution Control Boards both at center and at state level, Food laboratories at center and state level, CSIR laboratories and laboratories available with Health Department at state and district level and ICMR institutions and Engineering Colleges. Format for compilation of the results and 51 parameters for testing drinking water quality have been identified and study area is delineated.NEERI in Collaboration with World Health Organization decided to undertake the studies of water quality testing laboratories and assessment of their status.
Aims & Objectives :
The detailed objectives are :
- Development of a directory of drinking water quality laboratories.
- Assessment of current status of drinking water quality testing laboratories. It includes quality of water being tested, frequency of water quality examinations at raw water source, treatment plant, distribution system & consumer point.
- Identification of deficiencies in the existing system.
- Suggest detailed remedial measures / action plan to improve upon the present system.
Scope of Work:
- Prepare list of water quality testing laboratories in - Andhra Pradesh - Chhattisgarh - Daman and Diu - Goa - Gujarat - Karnataka - Kerala - Lakshadweep - Madhya Pradesh - Maharashtra - Pondichery - Rajasthan - Tamil Nadu
- Under the control of - State Pollution Control Board - Public Health Engineering Department - Engineering Colleges in the region
- List of laboratories includes all the parameters of drinking water quality analysed by the laboratory out of total 51 identified parameters
- List of equipment and category wise strength of personnel in the laboratory is also provided. Methodology