High Rate Transpiration System (HRTS)
- HRTS involves the use of dynamic, multicomponent soil system as a live filtration device to renovate the wastewater through adsorption, ion exchange, precipitation and stabilization of pollutants through microbial degradation
- HRTS is a land application system wherein the wastewater is applied in especially designed field layouts with wide ridges and furrows. In ridges, trees are planted having much higher transpiration capacity, while wastewater is allowed to flow through the furrows
- The high transpiration capacity of plants grown on soil matrix enables the system to serve as a biopump
- The soil system works in close conjunction with plants on it that provide a biopump through their high transpiration capacity through stomatal network. As all the wastewater is utilized in this process, the ground water pollution problem is obviated
- In addition to this, artificial filter media and leaf fall from standing plants provide thick mat and forms a filter bed, which is responsible for retention and assimilation of colour bodies
- Thus, the treatment and disposal of wastewater through HRTS provide cost effective and environmentally acceptable solution to manage the problem of coloured wastewaters
The high rate transpiration system for treatment and disposal of wastewater works on the following principles:
- Transpiration of large amount of water through stomatal network
- waste renovation using soil as a physico-bio chemical reactor
- Assimilation of colour in filter media
Scale of demonstration
- Development of HRTS in over 6 Acres of land is developed at MVML, Chakan
- Paper Industries: M/s Orient Paper Mills, Amlai (Madhya Pradesh)
- Tannery Industries: M/s TALCO, Ranipet (Tamil Nadu); All India Skin & Hide Tanners & Merchants Association, Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
- Distillery industry: Tamilnadu Distilleries Association, Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
- Electroplating Industries: M/s Mahindra Vehicle Manufacture Ltd, Pune; M/s KSPG Automotive Pvt. Ltd., Ahmed Nagar
- Municipal Wastewater: Puri Sea Beach, Odisha
Environmental Benefits
- Reuse of effluent and its nutrient contents for biomass production
- Prevention of ground and surface water pollution
- Green belt development with concomitant advantages to the environment
- Biomass generation and revenue returns
- Fuel wood and timber wood production
- Raw material for cottage industries
- Generates sink potential for air pollutants and greenhouse gases
- Works on natural treatment processes and could thus be termed eco-friendly
- Wastewater being treated: 285 m3 / day
- Area required for land treatment design: 5-6 hectares
Estimated cost
- Installation cost ~ INR 60 Lakhs/hectare Capacity: 100-250 cum / ha / day
IPR Status
- Patent draft in progress with minor improvements. Sent to BDTT for final approval and the same will be sent to CSIR on or before July 31, 2017
Salient Features
- Ease of installation and simplicity of operations
- Low land requirement for maximum wastewater treatment & disposal
- Works on natural treatment processes and could thus be termed eco-friendly
- Facilitates development of forests and green belts
- Generates sink potential for air pollutants and green house gases.
- Low-energy and cost requirements compared to conventional effluent treatment systems.
- Biomass generation and revenue returns
- Green belt development and carbon sequestration during the process of wastewater treatment.