HYDROPLUME -A high Rate Secondary Clarifier for waste water treatment
Conventional secondary clarifiers can have problems regarding the hydraulics of incoming flow, so a new novel clarifier called the Hydroplumehas been developed to optimize inflow and sludge settlement. In the activated sludge process the quality of the effluent,to a large extent, depends on how efficiently
the biological sludge mass is separated from the treated wastewater.The solids-liquid separation traditionally takes place through the separation of spontaneously aggregated flocs of activated sludge by gravity sedimentation in secondary clarifiers.Therefore,secondary clarifiers combine the functions of: a thickener to thicken the returned sludge to the required concentration; a clarifier to produce a clear effluent; and a storage tank to store sludge during peak flows. The design of conventional secondary clarifiers does not take hydraulic energy dissipation into account,hence they are either too large or often fail to ensure efficient solids -liquid separation.Therefore,the key issue is to improve the hydrodynamics of the secondary clarifier by optimizing the velocity gradient and hydraulic energy dissipation to ensure natural flocculation to enhance the solidsliquid separation. HYDROPLUME has potential application in solids –liquid separations in WTPs, ETPs, STPs and CETPs
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