CSIR-NEERI celebrates 81st foundation day of CSIR
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CSIR-NEERI participates in the MINCON-2022 Exhibition
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Inception Workshop of the GEF-UNEP funded project Review and update of National Implementation Plan (NIP) on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) for India
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The thematic track titled Transition towards Circular Economy in the Plastic Sector in World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS) 2023
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Low Cost & Affordable Technology for Improving the Sanitation & Hygiene:“NEERFLUSH” for Swachh Bharat Mission (15-09-2018)
Low Cost & Affordable Technology for Improving the Sanitation & Hygiene:“NEERFLUSH” for Swachh Bharat Mission. Times of India, Hitvada, NDTV, Better-India