It consist of a device for producing CO2, body odour and other attractants such as light, heat, moisture (which acts as an mosquito-insects attractants) near or within an electric field enclosure. It uses specially developed low cost non-hazardous material which produces mosquito-insects attractants in more economical and convenient way, which lures the mosquitoes-insects towards the source i.e. machine and gets eventually killed by electric mesh. MIKM’s operating cost is low and is effective way of controlling the mosquitoes-insects menace without any negative implications on user health and environment. It can be used for indoor as well as outdoor application with few modifications.
The main advantages of the present invention are;
- Is environmental friendly as uses non-hazardous material for attracting mosquitoes-insect.
- Operating cost is low as mosquito-insect attractant material source is low cost
- Is more effective in mosquito-insects control as uses olfactory, thermal and visual stimuli’s such as CO2 along with other attractants such as body odour, heat, lights, etc. which provides synergistic effect.
- Doesn’t have any negative health implications on the users as doesn’t use any hazardous materials.
- Safe operation as provided with outer layer of net to protect from accidental electric shock
- Destroys the mosquitoes-insects completely.
Patent Filed: 3013DEL 2015 (India)
Areas of Application
Indoor as well as out door with necessary modification
Present Status
Further designing optimization /development and testing is required.