International Project Innovation Awards PIA Development

CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) bags two Prestigious International Project Innovation Awards (PIA) – Development instituted by International Water Association (IWA). CSIR-NEERI’s two potable water treatment technologies viz. NEERI-ZAR Multi Pollutant Water Treatment Unit and Solar Energy Based Electrolytic Defluoridation Plant were selected for PIA as a Winner and Honour Winner respectively in the Drinking Water - Applied Research Category.
Dr. Pawan Labhasetwar, Principal Scientist and Head and Er. Subhash Andey Senior Principal Scientist from Water Technology and Management Division, CSIR-NEERI received the awards presented in the ceremony held during the 2nd IWA Development Congress and Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 23rd November, 2011. The International Water Association (IWA) is the global network of 10,000 water professionals in about 80 countries spanning the continuum between research and practice and covering all facets of the water cycle.
Project Innovation Awards (PIA) - Development is one of the very prestigious awards of IWA to recognize and celebrate excellence and innovation in water, sanitation and hygiene projects in developing countries, to support processes of fostering innovation in service delivery in developing countries, and placing effort in embedding innovative practices amongst practitioners. PIA entries were from various countries such as Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Lebanon, Brazil, Republic of Korea (South Korea), China, Tanzania, South Africa, Kenya, Philippines, Jordan besides India. The judging criteria are originality or innovativeness of the project; complexity of the problem or situation that the project addresses; social and economic benefits and overall sustainability and potential for replication/up-scaling.
DST-Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Award

The “Solar Energy based Electrolytic Defluoridation” Technology for Potable Water Supply developed by CSIR-NEERI received prestigious DST- Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Program Award. It was chosen among 30 successful technologies. A Gold Medal and Certificate were handed over to Er. Subhash Andey and Dr. Pawan Labhasetwar, Scientists, Water Technology and Management Division, NEERI, Nagpur by Dr. T. Ramaswami, Secretary, DST in a function held in FICCI, New Delhi on March 29, 2012.
The DST-Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Program is a nation-wide project, created to enhance the growth and development of India's entrepreneurial economy. The Program is equally funded by Department of Science and Technology (Govt. of India) and Lockheed Martin Corporation, and was developed with the assistance of the Indo-US Science and Technology Forum, the University of Texas IC2 Institute and FICCI. Program is open to all Indian researchers, inventors, entrepreneurs and companies with early stage technologies that possess promising commercial potential.
The aim of this program is to accelerate innovative new Indian technologies into new markets in the United States and around the world. It's a highly selective program that's looking for the most innovative technologies that India has to offer. The India Innovation Growth Program is the only program of its kind, because of its focus on teaching and using world-class commercialization strategies. The overall goal of the Program is to accelerate the launch of Indian early-stage technologies into the global marketplace. Program is open to technologies from wide ranges of fields. The program features a competitive selection process. Top selectees are eligible to receive professional business development support to assist them in entering global markets.
The Gold Medal winners from the DST - Lockheed Martin Innovator Competition are invited to work with commercialization experts from FICCI and IC2 Institute to pursue appropriate business engagements in the U.S., India and other global markets. The programme received over 800 applications from across India, from sectors as diverse as nano-technology, bio-medical engineering, tele-communications and solar power.
Nina Saxena Excellence in Technology Award - 2006 for NEERI-ZAR
CSIR-NEERI received the Nina Saxena Excellence in Technology Award – 2006 instituted by IIT Kharagpur for the development of “NEERI-ZAR” - Portable Instant Water Filter. NEERI-ZAR is the water purification system for rapid treatment of safe potable water supply under emergency situations like floods, heavy rainfall, or cyclones when the villages are not approachable, have no electric supply and do not have potable water to drink.
An international jury of experts chaired by the Director of IIT Kharagpur adjudged the nominations on the basis of innovativeness, applicability, benefit to the nation, and most importantly the potential of the application for social development with specific reference to backward areas in India.
Presenting the award on IIT Kharagpur Foundation Day Programme on August 18, 2008, Chief Guest, Prof. Lord Sushantha Kumar Bhattacharyya, Director of Warwick Manufacturing Group, UK expressed “The award-winning NEERI – ZAR water purification system not only reduces the expenditure on providing safe drinking water during emergency situation but also reduces the expenditure on medical treatment of water borne diseases due to drinking of water from the contaminated sources. By reducing the epidemic, morbidity and mortality rate, the water purification system leads to an overall improvement in the quality of life.
Other Achievements
- Awarded M.Tech. (by research) degree in Environmental Engineering to
- Er. S.P. Andey from VNIT, Nagpur on September 12, 2011
- Ms. Priyanka Jain and Ms. Anisha Nijhawan, Project Assistants got 1st prize for the poster competition on World Water Day 2012 held on March 22, 2012 organized by IWWA, Nagpur Centre for the poster entitled “Artificial Recharge of Groundwater with Treated Wastewater using Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) Method”
- Ms. Seema Sawadia, Project Assistant got 3rd prize for the poster competition on World Water Day 2012 held on March 22, 2012 organized by IWWA, Nagpur Centre for the poster entitled “Integrated GIS & Remote Sensing for Ground Water Contamination”
- Ms. Rupali Rakhunde, Project Assistant got Consolation prize for the poster competition on World Water Day 2012 held on March 22, 2012 organized by IWWA, Nagpur Centre for the poster entitled "Artificial Recharge Acquired Treatment (SAT) Method of Groundwater with Groundwater using Soil"
- The Hromadka Award 2007 by Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, U.K. to Mrs. Leena Deshpande in recognition of an outstanding scientific contribution at International Workshop on River Basin Management 2007 held at Kos, Greece during 23-25 May, 2007 for the presentation of paper, " Focus on Environmental Assessment Needs for Water Resources Development Projects in India
- Hindustan Dorr Oliver Prize” for Best Paper Presentation, Ms. Trupti V. Ashtankar,Indian Water Works Association, 38th Annual Convention, Jaipur, January 2006
- "Rekha Nandy and Bhupesh Nandy Prize" for best published paper in the Journal of Institution of Engineers (India) "Eutrophic Status of Hussainsagar Lake in Hyderabad" for the year 2002 –2003.